All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAcceptor<Solution_> |
AbstractBendableScore<Score_ extends AbstractBendableScore<Score_>> |
Abstract superclass for bendable Score types.
AbstractBendableScoreDefinition<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
AbstractCachingEntitySelector<Solution_> |
AbstractCachingMoveSelector<Solution_> |
AbstractCachingValueSelector<Solution_> |
AbstractCompositeTermination<Solution_> |
Abstract superclass that combines multiple Termination s.
AbstractConfig<Config_ extends AbstractConfig<Config_>> |
A config class is a user friendly, validating configuration class that maps XML input.
AbstractConstructionHeuristicForager<Solution_> |
AbstractCountableValueRange<T> |
AbstractEntityPlacer<Solution_> |
AbstractEntitySelector<Solution_> |
AbstractEventSupport<E extends EventListener> |
AbstractFinalistPodium<Solution_> |
AbstractFromConfigFactory<Solution_,Config_ extends AbstractConfig<Config_>> |
AbstractFromPropertyValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
AbstractGizmoMemberAccessor |
This and its subclasses exist so that Gizmo only needs to generate code where it is necessary for it to be generated.
AbstractLocalSearchForager<Solution_> |
AbstractMemberAccessor |
AbstractMove<Solution_> |
Abstract superclass for Move .
AbstractMoveScope<Solution_> |
AbstractMoveSelector<Solution_> |
AbstractMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_,MoveSelectorConfig_ extends MoveSelectorConfig<MoveSelectorConfig_>> |
AbstractOriginalChangeIterator<Solution_,Move_ extends Move<Solution_>> |
AbstractOriginalSwapIterator<Solution_,Move_ extends Move<Solution_>,SubSelection_> |
AbstractPhase<Solution_> |
AbstractPhase.Builder<Solution_> |
AbstractPhaseFactory<Solution_,PhaseConfig_ extends PhaseConfig<PhaseConfig_>> |
AbstractPhaseScope<Solution_> |
AbstractPillarMoveSelectorConfig<Config_ extends AbstractPillarMoveSelectorConfig<Config_>> |
AbstractRandomChangeIterator<Solution_,Move_ extends Move<Solution_>> |
AbstractRandomSwapIterator<Solution_,Move_ extends Move<Solution_>,SubSelection_> |
AbstractReadOnlyGizmoMemberAccessor |
AbstractReadWriteGizmoMemberAccessor |
AbstractScore<Score_ extends AbstractScore<Score_>> |
Abstract superclass for Score .
AbstractScoreDefinition<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
AbstractScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>,Factory_ extends AbstractScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_>> |
AbstractScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
AbstractScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
AbstractScoreHolder<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
AbstractScoreHolder.BigDecimalMatchExecutor |
AbstractScoreHolder.IntMatchExecutor |
AbstractScoreHolder.LongMatchExecutor |
AbstractScoreHolder.ScoreMatchExecutor<Score_ extends AbstractScore<Score_>> |
AbstractScoreJacksonDeserializer<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
AbstractScoreJacksonSerializer<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
AbstractScoreJaxbAdapter<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
AbstractScoreJsonbAdapter<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
AbstractScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
AbstractScoreXStreamConverter |
AbstractSelector<Solution_> |
AbstractSelectorFactory<Solution_,SelectorConfig_ extends SelectorConfig<SelectorConfig_>> |
AbstractSolver<Solution_> |
AbstractStepScope<Solution_> |
AbstractTabuAcceptor<Solution_> |
Abstract superclass for all Tabu Acceptors.
AbstractTabuSizeStrategy<Solution_> |
AbstractTermination<Solution_> |
AbstractUncountableValueRange<T> |
AbstractValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
AbstractValueSelector<Solution_> |
AbstractVariableListener<Solution_,Entity_> |
Changes shadow variables when a genuine planning variable changes.
AcceptedLocalSearchForager<Solution_> |
Acceptor<Solution_> |
An Acceptor accepts or rejects a selected Move .
AcceptorFactory<Solution_> |
AcceptorType |
AlphabeticMemberComparator |
AnchorShadowVariable |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the anchor of a chained PlanningVariable , which implies it's a shadow
AnchorShadowVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
AnchorVariableDemand<Solution_> |
AnchorVariableListener<Solution_> |
AnchorVariableSupply |
Only supported for chained variables.
AndCompositeTermination<Solution_> |
ApplyStepOperation<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
AutoDiscoverMemberType |
BasicPlumbingTermination<Solution_> |
BasicVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
BasicVariableNotification<Solution_> |
BenchmarkAggregator |
BenchmarkAggregatorFrame |
BenchmarkReport |
BenchmarkReportConfig |
BenchmarkReportFactory |
BenchmarkResult |
BenchmarkResultIO |
BendableBigDecimalScore |
BendableBigDecimalScoreConverter |
BendableBigDecimalScoreDefinition |
BendableBigDecimalScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
BendableBigDecimalScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BendableBigDecimalScoreHolderImpl |
BendableBigDecimalScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
BendableBigDecimalScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
BendableBigDecimalScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
BendableBigDecimalScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
BendableBigDecimalScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BendableBigDecimalScoreXStreamConverter |
BendableLongScore |
This Score is based on n levels of long constraints.
BendableLongScoreConverter |
BendableLongScoreDefinition |
BendableLongScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
BendableLongScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BendableLongScoreHolderImpl |
BendableLongScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
BendableLongScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
BendableLongScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
BendableLongScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
BendableLongScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BendableLongScoreXStreamConverter |
BendableScore |
This Score is based on n levels of int constraints.
BendableScoreConverter |
BendableScoreDefinition |
BendableScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
BendableScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BendableScoreHolderImpl |
BendableScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
BendableScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
BendableScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
BendableScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
BendableScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BendableScoreXStreamConverter |
BestScoreFeasibleTermination<Solution_> |
BestScoreProblemStatistic |
BestScoreStatistic<Solution_> |
BestScoreStatisticPoint |
BestScoreSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
BestScoreTermination<Solution_> |
BestSolutionChangedEvent<Solution_> |
BestSolutionMutationCountStatistic<Solution_> |
BestSolutionMutationProblemStatistic |
BestSolutionMutationStatisticPoint |
BestSolutionMutationSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
BestSolutionRecaller<Solution_> |
BestSolutionRecallerFactory |
BetaDistributionNearbyRandom |
BiConstraintCollector<A,B,ResultContainer_,Result_> |
BiConstraintStream<A,B> |
BigDecimalValueRange |
BigIntegerValueRange |
BiJoiner<A,B> |
BlockDistributionNearbyRandom |
BooleanValueRange |
BreadthFirstNodeComparator |
Investigate nodes layer by layer: investigate shallower nodes first.
CachedListRandomIterator<S> |
This Iterator does not shuffle and is never ending.
CachingEntitySelector<Solution_> |
CachingMoveSelector<Solution_> |
CachingValueSelector<Solution_> |
CartesianProductMoveSelector<Solution_> |
CartesianProductMoveSelectorConfig |
CartesianProductMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
ChainedChangeMove<Solution_> |
ChainedSwapMove<Solution_> |
ChangeMove<Solution_> |
ChangeMoveSelector<Solution_> |
ChangeMoveSelectorConfig |
ChangeMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
CheckBoxTree |
ChildThreadPlumbingTermination<Solution_> |
ChildThreadType |
ClassAndPlanningIdComparator |
CollectionInverseVariableDemand<Solution_> |
CollectionInverseVariableListener<Solution_> |
CollectionInverseVariableSupply |
ComparatorSelectionSorter<Solution_,T> |
CompositeAcceptor<Solution_> |
Combines several acceptors into one.
CompositeCountableValueRange<T> |
CompositeMove<Solution_> |
A CompositeMove is composed out of multiple other moves.
CompositeMoveSelector<Solution_> |
CompositeSelectionFilter<Solution_,T> |
CompositeValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
ConfigUtils |
Constraint |
ConstraintCollectors |
ConstraintConfiguration |
Allows end users to change the constraint weights, by not hard coding them.
ConstraintConfigurationDescriptor<Solution_> |
ConstraintConfigurationProvider |
ConstraintFactory |
ConstraintMatch<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ConstraintMatchAwareIncrementalScoreCalculator<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ConstraintMatchTotal<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ConstraintMatchTotalBestScoreStatisticPoint |
ConstraintMatchTotalBestScoreSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
ConstraintMatchTotalStepScoreStatisticPoint |
ConstraintMatchTotalStepScoreSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
ConstraintProvider |
Used by Constraint Streams' Score calculation.
ConstraintStream |
A constraint stream is a declaration on how to match one , two
or more objects.
ConstraintStreamImplType |
ConstraintSummary<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ConstraintVerifier<ConstraintProvider_ extends ConstraintProvider,Solution_> |
ConstraintWeight |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) set the constraint weight and score level of a constraint.
ConstraintWeightDescriptor<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicDecider<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicForager<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicForagerConfig |
ConstructionHeuristicForagerFactory<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicMoveScope<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicPhase<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicPhaseConfig |
ConstructionHeuristicPhaseLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicPhaseLifecycleListenerAdapter<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicPhaseScope<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicPickEarlyType |
ConstructionHeuristicStepScope<Solution_> |
ConstructionHeuristicType |
CountableValueRange<T> |
CustomPhase<Solution_> |
CustomPhaseCommand<Solution_> |
Runs a custom algorithm as a Phase of the Solver that changes the planning variables.
CustomPhaseConfig |
CustomPhaseScope<Solution_> |
CustomShadowVariable |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is a custom shadow of 1 or more PlanningVariable 's.
CustomShadowVariable.NullVariableListener |
CustomShadowVariableDemand<Solution_> |
Unlike other Demand s, a custom demand isn't equalized based on its sources, but based on its target.
CustomShadowVariableDemand.NoSupply |
CustomShadowVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
CustomStepScope<Solution_> |
DeepCloningUtils |
DeepPlanningClone |
Marks a problem fact class as being required to be deep planning cloned.
DefaultConstraintMatchTotal<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultConstraintVerifier<ConstraintProvider_ extends ConstraintProvider,Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultConstructionHeuristicForager<Solution_> |
DefaultConstructionHeuristicPhase<Solution_> |
DefaultConstructionHeuristicPhase.Builder<Solution_> |
DefaultConstructionHeuristicPhaseFactory<Solution_> |
DefaultCustomPhase<Solution_> |
DefaultCustomPhase.Builder<Solution_> |
DefaultCustomPhaseFactory<Solution_> |
DefaultExhaustiveSearchPhase<Solution_> |
DefaultExhaustiveSearchPhase.Builder<Solution_> |
DefaultExhaustiveSearchPhaseFactory<Solution_> |
DefaultIndictment<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultLocalSearchPhase<Solution_> |
DefaultLocalSearchPhase.Builder<Solution_> |
DefaultLocalSearchPhaseFactory<Solution_> |
DefaultMultiConstraintAssertion<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultMultiConstraintVerification<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultPartitionedSearchPhase<Solution_> |
DefaultPartitionedSearchPhase.Builder<Solution_> |
DefaultPartitionedSearchPhaseFactory<Solution_> |
DefaultPillarSelector<Solution_> |
DefaultPlannerBenchmark |
DefaultPlannerBenchmarkFactory |
DefaultProblemChangeDirector<Solution_> |
DefaultRandomFactory |
DefaultScoreExplanation<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultScoreManager<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultSingleConstraintAssertion<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultSingleConstraintVerification<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DefaultSolver<Solution_> |
Default implementation for Solver .
DefaultSolverFactory<Solution_> |
DefaultSolverFactory.MoveThreadCountResolver |
DefaultSolverJob<Solution_,ProblemId_> |
DefaultSolverManager<Solution_,ProblemId_> |
DefaultSolverThreadFactory |
Similar to Executors 's DefaultThreadFactory, but allows settings a namePrefix.
DefaultSubChainSelector<Solution_> |
Demand<Supply_ extends Supply> |
A subsystem submits a demand for a Supply .
DepthFirstNodeComparator |
Investigate deeper nodes first.
DescriptorPolicy |
DestroyOperation<Solution_> |
DomainAccessType |
Determines how members (fields and methods) of the domain (for example the planner variable )
are accessed.
DoubleValueRange |
DowncastingValueSelector<Solution_> |
DrlScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DrlScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
DrlScoreDirectorFactoryService<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
EasyScoreCalculator<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
Used for easy java Score calculation.
EasyScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
EasyScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
EasyScoreDirectorFactoryService<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ElementNamespaceOverride |
EmptyValueRange<T> |
EntityDependentSortingValueSelector<Solution_> |
EntityDescriptor<Solution_> |
EntityIndependentFilteringValueSelector<Solution_> |
EntityIndependentInitializedValueSelector<Solution_> |
EntityIndependentValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
EntityIndependentValueSelector<Solution_> |
EntityMimicRecorder<Solution_> |
EntityNotifiable<Solution_> |
EntityNotification<Solution_> |
EntityPlacer<Solution_> |
EntityPlacerConfig<Config_ extends EntityPlacerConfig<Config_>> |
EntityPlacerFactory<Solution_> |
EntityRatioTabuSizeStrategy<Solution_> |
EntitySelector<Solution_> |
EntitySelectorConfig |
EntitySelectorFactory<Solution_> |
EntitySorterManner |
EntityTabuAcceptor<Solution_> |
EnvironmentMode |
The environment mode also allows you to detect common bugs in your implementation.
EqualsLookUpStrategy |
ExhaustiveSearchDecider<Solution_> |
ExhaustiveSearchLayer |
ExhaustiveSearchNode |
ExhaustiveSearchPhase<Solution_> |
ExhaustiveSearchPhaseConfig |
ExhaustiveSearchPhaseLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
ExhaustiveSearchPhaseScope<Solution_> |
ExhaustiveSearchStepScope<Solution_> |
ExhaustiveSearchType |
ExternalizedAnchorVariableSupply<Solution_> |
ExternalizedCollectionInverseVariableSupply<Solution_> |
ExternalizedIndexVariableSupply<Solution_> |
ExternalizedSingletonInverseVariableSupply<Solution_> |
ExternalizedSingletonListInverseVariableSupply<Solution_> |
FairSelectorProbabilityWeightFactory<Solution_> |
FieldAccessingSolutionCloner<Solution_> |
FieldAccessingSolutionCloner.Unprocessed |
FileProblemProvider<Solution_> |
FilteringEntitySelector<Solution_> |
FilteringMoveSelector<Solution_> |
FilteringValueSelector<Solution_> |
FinalistPodium<Solution_> |
FinalistPodiumType |
FixedTabuSizeStrategy<Solution_> |
FlatteningHardSoftScoreComparator |
Compares 2 HardSoftScore s based on the calculation of the hard multiplied by a weight, summed with the soft.
FromEntityPropertyValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
FromEntityPropertyValueSelector<Solution_> |
FromSolutionEntitySelector<Solution_> |
FromSolutionPropertyValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
FromSolutionPropertyValueSelector<Solution_> |
GenericJaxbIO<T> |
GenericMoveSelector<Solution_> |
GenuineVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
GizmoMemberAccessorFactory |
GizmoMemberAccessorImplementor |
Generates the bytecode for the MemberAccessor of a particular Member
GizmoMemberDescriptor |
Describe and provide simplified/unified access for a Member
GizmoMemberInfo |
GizmoSolutionClonerFactory |
GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor |
GizmoSolutionOrEntityDescriptor |
GraphSupport |
GreatDelugeAcceptor<Solution_> |
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScore |
This Score is based on 3 levels of BigDecimal constraints: hard, medium and soft.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreConverter |
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreDefinition |
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreHolderImpl |
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScoreXStreamConverter |
HardMediumSoftLongScore |
This Score is based on 3 levels of long constraints: hard, medium and soft.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreConverter |
HardMediumSoftLongScoreDefinition |
HardMediumSoftLongScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreHolderImpl |
HardMediumSoftLongScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardMediumSoftLongScoreXStreamConverter |
HardMediumSoftScore |
This Score is based on 3 levels of int constraints: hard, medium and soft.
HardMediumSoftScoreConverter |
HardMediumSoftScoreDefinition |
HardMediumSoftScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
HardMediumSoftScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardMediumSoftScoreHolderImpl |
HardMediumSoftScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
HardMediumSoftScoreJsonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
HardMediumSoftScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardMediumSoftScoreXStreamConverter |
HardSoftBigDecimalScore |
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreConverter |
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreDefinition |
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreHolderImpl |
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardSoftBigDecimalScoreXStreamConverter |
HardSoftLongScore |
This Score is based on 2 levels of long constraints: hard and soft.
HardSoftLongScoreConverter |
HardSoftLongScoreDefinition |
HardSoftLongScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
HardSoftLongScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardSoftLongScoreHolderImpl |
HardSoftLongScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftLongScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
HardSoftLongScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftLongScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftLongScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardSoftLongScoreXStreamConverter |
HardSoftScore |
This Score is based on 2 levels of int constraints: hard and soft.
HardSoftScoreConverter |
HardSoftScoreDefinition |
HardSoftScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
HardSoftScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardSoftScoreHolderImpl |
HardSoftScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
HardSoftScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
HardSoftScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
HardSoftScoreXStreamConverter |
HeuristicConfigPolicy<Solution_> |
HeuristicConfigPolicy.Builder<Solution_> |
HighestScoreFinalistPodium<Solution_> |
HillClimbingAcceptor<Solution_> |
ImmutableLookUpStrategy |
IncrementalScoreCalculator<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
Used for incremental java Score calculation.
IncrementalScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
IncrementalScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
IncrementalScoreDirectorFactoryService<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
IndexShadowVariable |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is an index of this planning value in another entity's
PlanningListVariable .
IndexShadowVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
IndexVariableDemand<Solution_> |
IndexVariableListener<Solution_> |
IndexVariableSupply |
Indictment<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
InitializedValueSelector<Solution_> |
Prevents creating chains without an anchor.
InitializingScoreTrend |
Bounds the possible Score s for a PlanningSolution as more and more variables are initialized
(while the already initialized variables don't change).
InitializingScoreTrendLevel |
Bounds 1 score level of the possible Score s for a PlanningSolution as more and more variables are initialized
(while the already initialized variables don't change).
InnerScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
InnerScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
InstanceProblemProvider<Solution_> |
IntValueRange |
InverseRelationShadowVariable |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the inverse of a PlanningVariable , which implies it's a shadow
InverseRelationShadowVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
IterableSelector<Solution_,T> |
JacksonSolutionFileIO<Solution_> |
JaxbCustomPropertiesAdapter |
JaxbDurationAdapter |
JaxbIO<T> |
JaxbLocaleAdapter |
JaxbOffsetDateTimeAdapter |
JaxbSolutionFileIO<Solution_> |
Joiners |
JoinerService |
Used via ServiceLoader so that the constraint streams implementation can be fully split from its API,
without getting split packages or breaking backwards compatibility.
JoinerSupport |
JoinerType |
KOptMove<Solution_> |
KOptMoveSelector<Solution_> |
KOptMoveSelectorConfig |
KOptMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
LambdaBeanPropertyMemberAccessor |
LateAcceptanceAcceptor<Solution_> |
LinearDistributionNearbyRandom |
P(x) = 2/m - 2x/m² .
ListAssignMove<Solution_> |
ListChangeMove<Solution_> |
ListChangeMoveSelector<Solution_> |
ListIterable<T> |
ListIterableSelector<Solution_,T> |
ListSwapMove<Solution_> |
ListSwapMoveSelector<Solution_> |
ListUnassignMove<Solution_> |
ListValueRange<T> |
ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
ListVariableListener<Solution_,Entity_> |
ListVariableNotification<Solution_> |
LocalSearchAcceptorConfig |
LocalSearchDecider<Solution_> |
LocalSearchForager<Solution_> |
LocalSearchForagerConfig |
LocalSearchForagerFactory<Solution_> |
LocalSearchMoveScope<Solution_> |
LocalSearchPhase<Solution_> |
LocalSearchPhaseConfig |
LocalSearchPhaseLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
LocalSearchPhaseLifecycleListenerAdapter<Solution_> |
LocalSearchPhaseScope<Solution_> |
LocalSearchPickEarlyType |
LocalSearchStepScope<Solution_> |
LocalSearchType |
LongValueRange |
LookUpManager |
LookUpStrategy |
LookUpStrategyResolver |
This class is thread-safe.
LookUpStrategyType |
ManualEntityMimicRecorder<Solution_> |
MemberAccessor |
Fast and easy access to a Member of a bean,
which is a property (with a getter and optional setter Method ) or a Field .
MemberAccessorFactory |
MemberAccessorFactory.MemberAccessorType |
MemoryUseMeasurement |
MemoryUseProblemStatistic |
MemoryUseStatistic<Solution_> |
MemoryUseStatisticPoint |
MemoryUseSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
MillisecondsSpentNumberFormat |
MimicRecordingEntitySelector<Solution_> |
MimicRecordingValueSelector<Solution_> |
MimicReplayingEntitySelector<Solution_> |
MimicReplayingValueSelector<Solution_> |
MixedCheckBox |
MixedCheckBox.MixedCheckBoxStatus |
MockProblemChangeDirector |
MonitoringConfig |
MovableChainedTrailingValueFilter<Solution_> |
Move<Solution_> |
MoveCountPerStepMeasurement |
MoveCountPerStepProblemStatistic |
MoveCountPerStepStatisticPoint |
MoveCountPerStepSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
MoveEvaluationOperation<Solution_> |
MoveIteratorFactory<Solution_,Move_ extends Move<Solution_>> |
MoveIteratorFactoryConfig |
MoveIteratorFactoryFactory<Solution_> |
MoveIteratorFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge<Solution_> |
MoveListFactory<Solution_> |
A simple interface to generate a List of custom Move s.
MoveListFactoryConfig |
MoveListFactoryFactory<Solution_> |
MoveListFactoryToMoveSelectorBridge<Solution_> |
MoveSelector<Solution_> |
MoveSelectorConfig<Config_ extends MoveSelectorConfig<Config_>> |
MoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
MoveTabuAcceptor<Solution_> |
MoveThreadOperation<Solution_> |
MoveThreadRunner<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
MultiConstraintAssertion |
MultiConstraintVerification<Solution_> |
MultiThreadedConstructionHeuristicDecider<Solution_> |
MultiThreadedLocalSearchDecider<Solution_> |
MutableInt |
MutableLong |
MutablePair<A,B> |
MutableQuadruple<A,B,C,D> |
MutableTriple<A,B,C> |
MutationCounter<Solution_> |
NearbyDistanceMatrix<Origin,Destination> |
NearbyDistanceMeter<O,D> |
NearbyRandom |
Strategy pattern to select a index of a nearby ordered value range according to a probability distribution.
NearbyRandomFactory |
NearbySelectionConfig |
NearbySelectionDistributionType |
NearEntityNearbyEntitySelector<Solution_> |
NearEntityNearbyValueSelector<Solution_> |
NoChangeCustomPhaseCommand |
Makes no changes.
NoChangeMove<Solution_> |
Makes no changes.
NoChangePhase<Solution_> |
NoChangePhase.Builder<Solution_> |
NoChangePhaseConfig |
NoChangePhaseFactory<Solution_> |
NodeExplorationType |
NoneLookUpStrategy |
Notifiable |
A notifiable’s purpose is to execute variable listener methods.
Notification<Solution_,T extends AbstractVariableListener<Solution_,Object>> |
A notification represents some kind of change of a planning variable.
NullableCountableValueRange<T> |
OptaPlannerBenchmarkCli |
Run this class from the command line interface
to run a benchmarkConfigFile directly (using the normal classpath from the JVM).
OptaPlannerJacksonModule |
This class adds all Jackson serializers and deserializers.
OptaPlannerJsonbConfig |
This class adds all JSON-B adapters.
OptaPlannerRuleEventListener |
OptaPlannerXmlSerializationException |
OptimisticBoundFirstNodeComparator |
Investigate the nodes with a better optimistic bound first, then deeper nodes.
OrCompositeTermination<Solution_> |
OrderByMoveIndexBlockingQueue<Solution_> |
OrderByMoveIndexBlockingQueue.MoveResult<Solution_> |
OriginalListChangeIterator<Solution_> |
OriginalListSwapIterator<Solution_> |
OriginalOrderNodeComparator |
Investigate deeper nodes first, in order.
Pair<A,B> |
A key-value tuple.
ParabolicDistributionNearbyRandom |
P(x) = 3(m - x)²/m³ .
PartitionChangedEvent<Solution_> |
PartitionChangedEvent.PartitionChangedEventType |
PartitionChangeMove<Solution_> |
Applies a new best solution from a partition child solver into the global working solution of the parent solver.
PartitionedSearchPhase<Solution_> |
PartitionedSearchPhaseConfig |
PartitionedSearchPhaseLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
PartitionedSearchPhaseScope<Solution_> |
PartitionedSearchStepScope<Solution_> |
PartitionQueue<Solution_> |
This class is thread-safe.
PartitionSolver<Solution_> |
PentaFunction<A,B,C,D,E,R> |
Represents a function that accepts five arguments and produces a result.
PentaJoiner<A,B,C,D,E> |
PentaPredicate<A,B,C,D,E> |
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of five arguments.
Phase<Solution_> |
PhaseConfig<Config_ extends PhaseConfig<Config_>> |
PhaseFactory<Solution_> |
PhaseLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
PhaseLifecycleListenerAdapter<Solution_> |
PhaseLifecycleSupport<Solution_> |
Internal API.
PhaseToSolverTerminationBridge<Solution_> |
PickedMoveBestScoreDiffStatistic<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
PickedMoveStepScoreDiffStatistic<Solution_> |
PickedMoveTypeBestScoreDiffStatisticPoint |
PickedMoveTypeBestScoreDiffSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
PickedMoveTypeStepScoreDiffStatisticPoint |
PickedMoveTypeStepScoreDiffSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
PillarChangeMove<Solution_> |
This Move is not cacheable.
PillarChangeMoveSelector<Solution_> |
PillarChangeMoveSelectorConfig |
PillarChangeMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
PillarSelector<Solution_> |
A pillar is a List of entities that have the same planning value for each (or a subset)
of their planning values.
PillarSelectorConfig |
PillarSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
PillarSwapMove<Solution_> |
This Move is not cacheable.
PillarSwapMoveSelector<Solution_> |
PillarSwapMoveSelectorConfig |
PillarSwapMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
PinEntityFilter<Solution_> |
Filters out entities that return true for the PlanningPin annotated boolean member.
PinningFilter<Solution_,Entity_> |
Placement<Solution_> |
PlannerBenchmark |
A planner benchmark that runs a number of single benchmarks.
PlannerBenchmarkConfig |
PlannerBenchmarkConfigIO |
PlannerBenchmarkException |
PlannerBenchmarkFactory |
PlannerBenchmarkResult |
Represents the benchmarks on multiple Solver configurations on multiple problem instances (data sets).
PlanningEntity |
Specifies that the class is a planning entity.
PlanningEntity.NullDifficultyComparator |
PlanningEntity.NullDifficultyWeightFactory |
PlanningEntity.NullPinningFilter |
PlanningEntityCollectionProperty |
PlanningEntityProperty |
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a planning entity.
PlanningId |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the id to match
when locating
an externalObject (often from another Thread or JVM).
PlanningIdLookUpStrategy |
PlanningListVariable |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) can be changed and should be optimized by the optimization algorithms.
PlanningPin |
Specifies that a boolean property (or field) of a PlanningEntity determines if the planning entity is pinned.
PlanningScore |
PlanningScore.NullScoreDefinition |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
PlanningSolution |
Specifies that the class is a planning solution.
PlanningSolution.NullSolutionCloner |
PlanningVariable |
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) can be changed and should be optimized by the optimization algorithms.
PlanningVariable.NullStrengthComparator |
PlanningVariable.NullStrengthWeightFactory |
PlanningVariableGraphType |
PlanningVariableReference |
PlanningVariableReference.NullEntityClass |
PolymorphicScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type (but not a subtype).
PolymorphicScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type (but not a subtype).
PolymorphicScoreJaxbAdapter |
PooledEntityPlacer<Solution_> |
PooledEntityPlacerConfig |
PooledEntityPlacerFactory<Solution_> |
ProbabilityEntitySelector<Solution_> |
ProbabilityMoveSelector<Solution_> |
ProbabilityValueSelector<Solution_> |
ProblemBasedSubSingleStatistic<Solution_,StatisticPoint_ extends StatisticPoint> |
ProblemBenchmarkResult<Solution_> |
Represents 1 problem instance (data set) benchmarked on multiple Solver configurations.
ProblemBenchmarksConfig |
ProblemBenchmarksFactory |
ProblemChange<Solution_> |
ProblemChangeAdapter<Solution_> |
ProblemChangeDirector |
ProblemFactChange<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ProblemFactCollectionProperty |
ProblemFactProperty |
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a problem fact.
ProblemProvider<Solution_> |
ProblemStatistic |
ProblemStatisticType |
PureSubSingleStatistic<Solution_,StatisticPoint_ extends StatisticPoint> |
QuadConstraintCollector<A,B,C,D,ResultContainer_,Result_> |
QuadConstraintStream<A,B,C,D> |
QuadFunction<A,B,C,D,R> |
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
QuadJoiner<A,B,C,D> |
QuadPredicate<A,B,C,D> |
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of four arguments.
Quadruple<A,B,C,D> |
A tuple of four values.
QueuedEntityPlacer<Solution_> |
QueuedEntityPlacerConfig |
QueuedEntityPlacerFactory<Solution_> |
QueuedValuePlacer<Solution_> |
QueuedValuePlacerConfig |
QueuedValuePlacerFactory<Solution_> |
RandomFactory |
RandomListChangeIterator<Solution_> |
RandomListSwapIterator<Solution_> |
RandomType |
Defines the pseudo random number generator.
RandomUtils |
ReflectionBeanPropertyMemberAccessor |
ReflectionFieldMemberAccessor |
ReflectionHelper |
Avoids the usage of Introspector to work on Android too.
ReflectionMethodMemberAccessor |
ReinitializeVariableValueSelector<Solution_> |
Prevents reassigning of already initialized variables during Construction Heuristics and Exhaustive Search.
ReportHelper |
Score<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
A Score is result of the score function (AKA fitness function) on a single possible solution.
ScoreBounder |
ScoreCalculationCountTermination<Solution_> |
ScoreCalculationSpeedProblemStatistic |
ScoreCalculationSpeedStatisticPoint |
ScoreCalculationSpeedSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
ScoreDefinition<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
A ScoreDefinition knows how to compare Score s and what the perfect maximum/minimum Score is.
ScoreDefinitionType |
ScoreDescriptor |
ScoreDifferencePercentage |
ScoreDirector<Solution_> |
ScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_> |
ScoreDirectorFactoryConfig |
ScoreDirectorFactoryFactory<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ScoreDirectorFactoryService<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
All ScoreDirectorFactory implementations must provide an implementation of this interface,
as well as an entry in META-INF/services/org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryService file.
ScoreDirectorType |
ScoreExplanation<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ScoreFirstNodeComparator |
Investigate the nodes with a better optimistic bound first, then deeper nodes.
ScoreHolder<Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ScoreManager<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ScoreSubSingleBenchmarkRankingComparator |
SelectedCountLimitEntitySelector<Solution_> |
SelectedCountLimitMoveSelector<Solution_> |
SelectedCountLimitValueSelector<Solution_> |
SelectionCacheLifecycleBridge<Solution_> |
SelectionCacheLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
SelectionCacheType |
There is no INHERIT by design because 2 sequential caches provides no benefit, only memory overhead.
SelectionFilter<Solution_,T> |
SelectionIterator<S> |
SelectionListIterator<S> |
SelectionOrder |
Defines in which order the elements or a selector are selected.
SelectionProbabilityWeightFactory<Solution_,T> |
SelectionSorter<Solution_,T> |
SelectionSorterOrder |
SelectionSorterWeightFactory<Solution_,T> |
Creates a weight to decide the order of a collections of selections
(a selection is a PlanningEntity , a planningValue, a Move or a Selector ).
Selector<Solution_> |
SelectorConfig<Config_ extends SelectorConfig<Config_>> |
SetupOperation<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> |
ShadowVariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
ShadowVariablesAssert |
Serves for detecting shadow variables' corruption.
ShufflingEntitySelector<Solution_> |
ShufflingMoveSelector<Solution_> |
ShufflingValueSelector<Solution_> |
SimpleBigDecimalScore |
SimpleBigDecimalScoreConverter |
SimpleBigDecimalScoreDefinition |
SimpleBigDecimalScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreHolderImpl |
SimpleBigDecimalScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SimpleBigDecimalScoreXStreamConverter |
SimpleLongScore |
This Score is based on 1 level of long constraints.
SimpleLongScoreConverter |
SimpleLongScoreDefinition |
SimpleLongScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
SimpleLongScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SimpleLongScoreHolderImpl |
SimpleLongScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
SimpleLongScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
SimpleLongScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
SimpleLongScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
SimpleLongScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SimpleLongScoreXStreamConverter |
SimpleScore |
This Score is based on 1 level of int constraints.
SimpleScoreConverter |
SimpleScoreDefinition |
SimpleScoreHibernateType |
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently
cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
SimpleScoreHolder |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SimpleScoreHolderImpl |
SimpleScoreJacksonDeserializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
SimpleScoreJacksonSerializer |
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
SimpleScoreJaxbAdapter |
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
SimpleScoreJsonbAdapter |
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
SimpleScoreVerifier<Solution_> |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
SimpleScoreXStreamConverter |
SimulatedAnnealingAcceptor<Solution_> |
The time gradient implementation of simulated annealing.
SingleBenchmarkResult |
Represents 1 benchmark for 1 Solver configuration for 1 problem instance (data set).
SingleConstraintAssertion |
SingleConstraintVerification<Solution_> |
SingleStatisticType |
SingletonInverseVariableDemand<Solution_> |
SingletonInverseVariableListener<Solution_> |
SingletonInverseVariableSupply |
Currently only supported for chained variables and list variables ,
which guarantee that no 2 entities use the same planningValue.
SingletonIterator<T> |
SingletonListInverseVariableDemand<Solution_> |
SingletonListInverseVariableListener<Solution_> |
SolutionCloner<Solution_> |
SolutionDescriptor<Solution_> |
SolutionFileIO<Solution_> |
SolutionPartitioner<Solution_> |
Splits one solution into multiple partitions.
Solver<Solution_> |
A Solver solves a planning problem and returns the best solution found.
SolverBenchmarkBluePrintConfig |
SolverBenchmarkBluePrintType |
SolverBenchmarkConfig |
SolverBenchmarkFactory |
SolverBenchmarkResult |
Represents 1 Solver configuration benchmarked on multiple problem instances (data sets).
SolverConfig |
SolverConfigIO |
SolverEventListener<Solution_> |
SolverEventSupport<Solution_> |
Internal API.
SolverFactory<Solution_> |
SolverJob<Solution_,ProblemId_> |
SolverLifecycleListener<Solution_> |
SolverLifecycleListenerAdapter<Solution_> |
SolverManager<Solution_,ProblemId_> |
A SolverManager solves multiple planning problems of the same domain,
asynchronously without blocking the calling thread.
SolverManagerConfig |
SolverMetric |
SolverRankingType |
SolverRankingWeightFactory |
Defines an interface for classes that will be used to rank solver benchmarks
in order of their respective performance.
SolverScope<Solution_> |
SolverStatistic<Solution_> |
SolverStatus |
SortingEntitySelector<Solution_> |
SortingMoveSelector<Solution_> |
SortingValueSelector<Solution_> |
SourcedVariableListener<Solution_> |
Used to externalize data for a Supply from the domain model itself.
StatelessSolverStatistic<Solution_> |
StatisticPoint |
Implementations must be immutable.
StatisticRegistry<Solution_> |
StatisticType |
StatisticUtils |
StepCountingHillClimbingAcceptor<Solution_> |
StepCountingHillClimbingType |
Determines what increment the counter of Step Counting Hill Climbing.
StepCountTermination<Solution_> |
StepScoreProblemStatistic |
StepScoreStatisticPoint |
StepScoreSubSingleStatistic<Solution_> |
StrategicOscillationByLevelFinalistPodium<Solution_> |
Strategic oscillation, works well with Tabu search.
SubChain |
A subList out of a single chain.
SubChainChangeMove<Solution_> |
SubChainChangeMoveSelector<Solution_> |
SubChainChangeMoveSelectorConfig |
SubChainChangeMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
SubChainReversingChangeMove<Solution_> |
SubChainReversingSwapMove<Solution_> |
This Move is not cacheable.
SubChainSelector<Solution_> |
SubChainSelectorConfig |
SubChainSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
SubChainSwapMove<Solution_> |
This Move is not cacheable.
SubChainSwapMoveSelector<Solution_> |
SubChainSwapMoveSelectorConfig |
SubChainSwapMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
SubPillarConfigPolicy |
SubPillarType |
SubSingleBenchmarkRankBasedComparator |
SubSingleBenchmarkResult |
Represents 1 benchmark run for 1 Single Benchmark configuration for 1 Solver configuration for 1 problem
instance (data set).
SubSingleBenchmarkRunner<Solution_> |
SubSingleStatistic<Solution_,StatisticPoint_ extends StatisticPoint> |
Supply |
Supplies something for 1 or multiple subsystems.
SupplyManager |
SwapMove<Solution_> |
SwapMoveSelector<Solution_> |
SwapMoveSelectorConfig |
SwapMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
SwingUncaughtExceptionHandler |
SwingUtils |
TabuSizeStrategy<Solution_> |
TailChainSwapMove<Solution_> |
Also known as a 2-opt move.
TailChainSwapMoveSelector<Solution_> |
Also known as a 2-opt move selector.
TailChainSwapMoveSelectorConfig |
Also known as a 2-opt move selector config.
TailChainSwapMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
TangoColorFactory |
TemporalValueRange<Temporal_ extends Temporal & Comparable<? super Temporal_>> |
Termination<Solution_> |
A Termination determines when a Solver or a Phase should stop.
TerminationCompositionStyle |
TerminationConfig |
TerminationFactory<Solution_> |
ThreadUtils |
TimeMillisSpentTermination<Solution_> |
ToIntQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces an int-valued result.
ToIntTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces an int-valued result.
ToLongQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a long-valued result.
ToLongTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a long-valued result.
TotalRankSolverRankingWeightFactory |
TotalRankSolverRankingWeightFactory.TotalRankSolverRankingWeight |
TotalScoreSingleBenchmarkRankingComparator |
TotalScoreSolverRankingComparator |
TrendBasedScoreBounder |
TriConstraintCollector<A,B,C,ResultContainer_,Result_> |
TriConstraintStream<A,B,C> |
TriConsumer<A,B,C> |
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and returns no result.
TriFunction<A,B,C,R> |
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
TriJoiner<A,B,C> |
Triple<A,B,C> |
A tuple of three values.
TriPredicate<A,B,C> |
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of three arguments.
UnassignedValueSelector<Solution_> |
Discards planning values that are already assigned to a list variable.
UniConstraintCollector<A,ResultContainer_,Result_> |
UniConstraintStream<A> |
UnimprovedStepCountTermination<Solution_> |
UnimprovedTimeMillisSpentScoreDifferenceThresholdTermination<Solution_> |
UnimprovedTimeMillisSpentTermination<Solution_> |
UnionMoveSelector<Solution_> |
UnionMoveSelectorConfig |
UnionMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
UpcomingSelectionIterator<S> |
UpcomingSelectionListIterator<S> |
ValueMimicRecorder<Solution_> |
ValueRange<T> |
ValueRangeDescriptor<Solution_> |
ValueRangeFactory |
ValueRangeIterator<S> |
ValueRangeProvider |
ValueRatioTabuSizeStrategy<Solution_> |
ValueSelector<Solution_> |
ValueSelectorConfig |
ValueSelectorFactory<Solution_> |
ValueSorterManner |
ValueTabuAcceptor<Solution_> |
VariableDescriptor<Solution_> |
VariableListener<Solution_,Entity_> |
VariableListenerSupport<Solution_> |
WebsiteResourceUtils |
WeightFactorySelectionSorter<Solution_,T> |
WorstScoreSolverRankingComparator |
XsdAggregator |
This class merges solver.xsd and benchmark.xsd into a single XML Schema file that contains both Solver and Benchmark XML
types under a single namespace of the benchmark.xsd.
XStreamSolutionFileIO<Solution_> |
Security warning: only use this class with XML files from a trusted source,
because XStream is configured to allow all permissions,
which can be exploited if the XML comes from an untrusted source.