Annotation Interface InverseRelationShadowVariable

@Target({METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface InverseRelationShadowVariable
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the inverse of a PlanningVariable, which implies it's a shadow variable.

It is specified on a getter of a java bean property (or a field) of a PlanningEntity class.

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    In a bidirectional relationship, the shadow side (= the follower side) uses this property (and nothing else) to declare for which PlanningVariable (= the leader side) it is a shadow.
  • Element Details

    • sourceVariableName

      String sourceVariableName
      In a bidirectional relationship, the shadow side (= the follower side) uses this property (and nothing else) to declare for which PlanningVariable (= the leader side) it is a shadow.

      Both sides of a bidirectional relationship should be consistent: if A points to B, then B must point to A.

      When the Solver changes a genuine variable, it adjusts the shadow variable accordingly. In practice, the Solver ignores shadow variables (except for consistency housekeeping).

      the variable property name on the opposite end of this bidirectional relationship