Annotation Interface NextElementShadowVariable

@Target({METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface NextElementShadowVariable
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) references the next element in the same PlanningListVariable. The next element's index is 1 higher than this element's index. It is null if this element is the last element in the list variable.

It is specified on a getter of a java bean property (or a field) of a PlanningEntity class.

The source variable must be a list variable.

  • Element Details

    • sourceVariableName

      String sourceVariableName
      The source variable must be a list variable.

      When the Solver changes a genuine variable, it adjusts the shadow variable accordingly. In practice, the Solver ignores shadow variables (except for consistency housekeeping).

      property name of the list variable that contains instances of this planning value