Class ConfigUtils


public class ConfigUtils extends Object
  • Method Details

    • newInstance

      public static <T> T newInstance(Object configBean, String propertyName, Class<T> clazz)
      Create a new instance of clazz from a config's property.

      If the instantiation fails, the simple class name of configBean will be used as the owner of propertyName.

      Intended usage:

       selectionFilter = ConfigUtils.newInstance(
               config, "filterClass", config.getFilterClass());
      Type Parameters:
      T - the new instance type
      configBean - the bean holding the clazz to be instantiated
      propertyName - configBean's property holding clazz
      clazz - Class representation of the type T
      new instance of clazz
    • newInstance

      public static <T> T newInstance(Supplier<String> ownerDescriptor, String propertyName, Class<T> clazz)
      Create a new instance of clazz from a general source.

      If the instantiation fails, the result of ownerDescriptor will be used to describe the owner of propertyName.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the new instance type
      ownerDescriptor - describes the owner of propertyName
      propertyName - property holding the clazz
      clazz - Class representation of the type T
      new instance of clazz
    • applyCustomProperties

      public static void applyCustomProperties(Object bean, String beanClassPropertyName, Map<String,String> customProperties, String customPropertiesPropertyName)
    • inheritConfig

      public static <Config_ extends AbstractConfig<Config_>> Config_ inheritConfig(Config_ original, Config_ inherited)
    • inheritMergeableListConfig

      public static <Config_ extends AbstractConfig<Config_>> List<Config_> inheritMergeableListConfig(List<Config_> originalList, List<Config_> inheritedList)
    • inheritOverwritableProperty

      public static <T> T inheritOverwritableProperty(T original, T inherited)
    • inheritMergeableListProperty

      public static <T> List<T> inheritMergeableListProperty(List<T> originalList, List<T> inheritedList)
    • inheritMergeableMapProperty

      public static <K, T> Map<K,T> inheritMergeableMapProperty(Map<K,T> originalMap, Map<K,T> inheritedMap)
    • mergeProperty

      public static <T> T mergeProperty(T a, T b)
    • meldProperty

      public static <T> T meldProperty(T a, T b)
      A relaxed version of mergeProperty(Object, Object). Used primarily for merging failed benchmarks, where a property remains the same over benchmark runs (for example: dataset problem size), but the property in the failed benchmark isn't initialized, therefore null. When merging, we can still use the correctly initialized property of the benchmark that didn't fail.


      • if both properties are null, returns null
      • if only one of the properties is not null, returns that property
      • if both properties are not null, returns mergeProperty(Object, Object)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of property a and b
      a - property a
      b - property b
      sometimes null
      See Also:
    • isEmptyCollection

      public static boolean isEmptyCollection(Collection<?> collection)
    • ceilDivide

      public static int ceilDivide(int dividend, int divisor)
      Divides and ceils the result without using floating point arithmetic. For floor division, see Math.floorDiv(long, long).
      dividend - the dividend
      divisor - the divisor
      dividend / divisor, ceiled
      ArithmeticException - if divisor == 0
    • resolvePoolSize

      public static int resolvePoolSize(String propertyName, String value, String... magicValues)
    • getAllAnnotatedLineageClasses

      public static List<Class<?>> getAllAnnotatedLineageClasses(Class<?> bottomClass, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation)
    • getDeclaredMembers

      public static List<Member> getDeclaredMembers(Class<?> baseClass)
      baseClass - never null
      never null, sorted by type (fields before methods), then by AlphabeticMemberComparator.
    • getAllMembers

      public static List<Member> getAllMembers(Class<?> baseClass, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
      baseClass - never null
      annotationClass - never null
      never null, sorted by type (fields before methods), then by AlphabeticMemberComparator.
    • extractAnnotationClass

      @SafeVarargs public static Class<? extends Annotation> extractAnnotationClass(Member member, Class<? extends Annotation>... annotationClasses)
    • extractCollectionGenericTypeParameterStrictly

      public static Class<?> extractCollectionGenericTypeParameterStrictly(String parentClassConcept, Class<?> parentClass, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass, String memberName)
    • extractCollectionGenericTypeParameterLeniently

      public static Optional<Class<?>> extractCollectionGenericTypeParameterLeniently(String parentClassConcept, Class<?> parentClass, Class<?> type, Type genericType, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass, String memberName)
    • findPlanningIdMemberAccessor

      public static <C> MemberAccessor findPlanningIdMemberAccessor(Class<C> clazz, MemberAccessorFactory memberAccessorFactory, DomainAccessType domainAccessType)
    • abbreviate

      public static String abbreviate(List<String> list, int limit)
    • abbreviate

      public static String abbreviate(List<String> list)
    • isNativeImage

      public static boolean isNativeImage()