JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
The benchmarker is in a separate artifact called optaplanner-benchmark
If you use Maven, add a dependency in your pom.xml
PlannerBenchmarkFactory plannerBenchmarkFactory = new XmlPlannerBenchmarkFactory(
PlannerBenchmark plannerBenchmark = benchmarkFactory.buildPlannerBenchmark();
A basic benchmark configuration file looks something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Entity tabu</name>
<name>Value tabu</name>
<name>Move tabu</name>
Every solverBenchmark
element contains a solver configuration (for example with a local
search solver phase) and one or more inputSolutionFile
elements. It will run the solver
configuration on each of those unsolved solution files. The element name
is optional, because
it is generated if absent. The inputSolutionFile is read by a ProblemIO.
To lower verbosity, the common part of multiple solverBenchmark
entities can be extracted
to the inheritedSolverBenchmark
element. Yet, every element can still be overwritten per
element. Note that inherited solver phases such as
or <localSearch>
are not overwritten but
instead are added to the tail of the solver phases list.
You need to specify a benchmarkDirectory
(relative to the working directory). A benchmark
report will be written in that directory.
It's recommended that the benchmarkDirectory
is a directory ignored for source control
and not cleaned by your build system. This way the generated files are not bloating your source control and they
aren't lost when doing a build. Usually that directory is called local
By default, a benchmarker uses a XStreamProblemIO
instance to read and write
To configure graph and CSV output of a statistic, just add a problemStatisticType
To see how the best score evolves over time, add BEST_SOLUTION_CHANGED
as a
The best score over time statistic is very useful to detect abnormalities, such as score traps.
Don't be fooled by the simulated annealing line in this graph. If you give simulated annealing only 5 minutes, it might still be better than 5 minutes of tabu search. That's because this simulated annealing implementation automatically determines its velocity based on the amount of time that can be spend. On the other hand, for the tabu search, what you see is what you'd get.
To see how fast the scores are calculated, add CALCULATE_COUNT_PER_SECOND
as a
The initial high calculate count is typical during solution initialization. In this example, it's far easier to calculate the score of a solution if only a handful exams have been added, in contrast to all of them. After those few seconds of initialization, the calculate count is relatively stable, apart from an occasional stop-the-world garbage collector disruption.
However, there are different ways of ranking the solvers. You can configure how:
The following solverBenchmarkRankingType
s are supported:
You can also use a custom ranking, by implementing a Comparator
The following parallelBenchmarkCount
s are supported:
To reduce the verbosity of such a benchmark configuration, you can use a Freemarker template for the benchmark configuration instead:
<#list [5, 7, 11, 13] as entityTabuSize>
<#list [500, 1000, 2000] as acceptedCountLimit>
<name>entityTabuSize ${entityTabuSize} acceptedCountLimit ${acceptedCountLimit}</name>
And build it with the class FreemarkerXmlPlannerBenchmarkFactory
PlannerBenchmarkFactory plannerBenchmarkFactory = new FreemarkerXmlPlannerBenchmarkFactory(
PlannerBenchmark plannerBenchmark = benchmarkFactory.buildPlannerBenchmark();