OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Interface Termination

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, SolverLifecycleListener, SolverPhaseLifecycleListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompositeTermination, AbstractTermination, AndCompositeTermination, BasicPlumbingTermination, OrCompositeTermination, PhaseToSolverTerminationBridge, ScoreAttainedTermination, StepCountTermination, TimeMillisSpendTermination, UnimprovedStepCountTermination

public interface Termination
extends SolverPhaseLifecycleListener

A Termination determines when a Solver or a SolverPhase should stop.

Method Summary
 double calculatePhaseTimeGradient(AbstractSolverPhaseScope phaseScope)
          See calculateSolverTimeGradient(DefaultSolverScope).
 double calculateSolverTimeGradient(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
          A timeGradient is a relative estimate of how long the search will continue.
 boolean isPhaseTerminated(AbstractSolverPhaseScope phaseScope)
          Called by the SolverPhase after every step and every move to determine if the search should stop.
 boolean isSolverTerminated(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
          Called by the Solver after every phase to determine if the search should stop.
Methods inherited from interface org.optaplanner.core.impl.phase.event.SolverPhaseLifecycleListener
phaseEnded, phaseStarted, stepEnded, stepStarted
Methods inherited from interface org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.event.SolverLifecycleListener
solvingEnded, solvingStarted

Method Detail


boolean isSolverTerminated(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
Called by the Solver after every phase to determine if the search should stop.

solverScope - never null
true if the search should terminate.


boolean isPhaseTerminated(AbstractSolverPhaseScope phaseScope)
Called by the SolverPhase after every step and every move to determine if the search should stop.

phaseScope - never null
true if the search should terminate.


double calculateSolverTimeGradient(DefaultSolverScope solverScope)
A timeGradient is a relative estimate of how long the search will continue.

Clients that use a timeGradient should cache it at the start of a single step because some implementations are not time-stable.

If a timeGradient can not be calculated, it should return -1.0. Several implementations (such a SimulatedAnnealingAcceptor) require a correctly implemented timeGradient.

A Termination's timeGradient can be requested after they are terminated, so implementations should be careful not to return a timeGradient above 1.0.

solverScope - never null
timeGradient t for which 0.0 <= t <= 1.0 or -1.0 when it is not supported. At the start of a solver t is 0.0 and at the end t would be 1.0.


double calculatePhaseTimeGradient(AbstractSolverPhaseScope phaseScope)
See calculateSolverTimeGradient(DefaultSolverScope).

phaseScope - never null
timeGradient t for which 0.0 <= t <= 1.0 or -1.0 when it is not supported. At the start of a phase t is 0.0 and at the end t would be 1.0.

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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