JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 8. Construction heuristics

8.1. Overview
8.2. First Fit
8.2.1. Algorithm description
8.2.2. Configuration
8.3. First Fit Decreasing
8.3.1. Algorithm description
8.3.2. Configuration
8.4. Best Fit
8.4.1. Algorithm description
8.4.2. Configuration
8.5. Best Fit Decreasing
8.5.1. Algorithm description
8.5.2. Configuration
8.6. Advanced Greedy Fit
8.6.1. Algorithm description
8.6.2. Configuration
8.6.3. Multiple variables
8.6.4. Multiple entity classes
8.6.5. Pick early type
8.7. Cheapest Insertion
8.7.1. Algorithm description
8.7.2. Configuration
8.8. Regret Insertion
8.8.1. Algorithm description
8.8.2. Configuration
8.9. Advanced Constructive Insertion
8.9.1. Algorithm description
8.9.2. Configuration

A construction heuristic builds a pretty good initial solution in a finite length of time. Its solution isn't always feasible, but it finds it fast so metaheuristics can finish the job.

Construction heuristics terminate automatically, so there's usually no need to configure a Termination on the construction heuristic phase specifically.

Configure this solver phase:



If the InitializingScoreTrend is ONLY_DOWN, this algorithm is faster: for an entity, it picks the first move for which the score does not deteriorate the last step score, ignoring all subsequent moves.

For advanced configuration, see Advanced Greedy Fit.

Configure this solver phase:



If the InitializingScoreTrend is ONLY_DOWN, this algorithm is faster: for an entity, it picks the first move for which the score does not deteriorate the last step score, ignoring all subsequent moves.

For advanced configuration, see Advanced Greedy Fit.

Configure this solver phase:



If the InitializingScoreTrend is ONLY_DOWN, this algorithm is faster: for an entity, it picks the first move for which the score does not deteriorate the last step score, ignoring all subsequent moves.

For advanced configuration, see Advanced Greedy Fit.

Configure this solver phase:



If the InitializingScoreTrend is ONLY_DOWN, this algorithm is faster: for an entity, it picks the first move for which the score does not deteriorate the last step score, ignoring all subsequent moves.

For advanced configuration, see Advanced Greedy Fit.

There are 2 ways to deal with multiple variables, depending on how their ChangeMoves are combined:

For example, presume a course scheduling example with 200 rooms and 40 periods.

This First Fit configuration for a single entity class with 2 variables, using a cartesian product of their ChangeMoves, will select 8000 moves per entity:

      <entitySelector id="placerEntitySelector">
          <entitySelector mimicSelectorRef="placerEntitySelector"/>
          <entitySelector mimicSelectorRef="placerEntitySelector"/>


With 3 variables of 1000 values each, a cartesian product selects 1000000000 values per entity, which will take far too long.

This First Fit configuration for a single entity class with 2 variables, using sequential ChangeMoves, will select 240 moves per entity:

      <entitySelector id="placerEntitySelector">
        <entitySelector mimicSelectorRef="placerEntitySelector"/>
        <entitySelector mimicSelectorRef="placerEntitySelector"/>


Especially for sequential ChangeMoves, the order of the variables is important. In the example above, it's better to select the period first (instead of the other way around), because there are more hard constraints that do not involve the room (for example: no teacher should teach 2 lectures at the same time). Let the Benchmarker guide you.

With 3 or more variables, it's possible to combine the cartesian product and sequential techniques:


There are 2 pick early types for Construction Heuristics:

If there are only negative constraints, but the InitializingScoreTrend is strictly not ONLY_DOWN, it can make sense to apply FIRST_NON_DETERIORATING_SCORE. Use the Benchmarker to decide if the score quality loss is worth the time gain.

Simplest configuration of Cheapest Insertion:



If the InitializingScoreTrend is ONLY_DOWN, this algorithm is faster: for an entity, it picks the first move for which the score does not deteriorate the last step score, ignoring all subsequent moves.

For advanced configuration, see Advanced Constructive Insertion.