Class BendableLongScoreVerifier<Solution_>

    • Field Detail

      • hardLevelsSize

        protected final int hardLevelsSize
    • Constructor Detail

      • BendableLongScoreVerifier

        public BendableLongScoreVerifier​(SolverFactory<Solution_> solverFactory)
        solverFactory - never null, the SolverFactory of which you want to test the constraints.
    • Method Detail

      • assertHardWeight

        public void assertHardWeight​(String constraintName,
                                     int hardLevel,
                                     long expectedWeight,
                                     Solution_ solution)
        Assert that the constraint of PlanningSolution has the expected weight for that score level.
        constraintName - never null, the name of the constraint
        hardLevel - 0 <= hardLevel < hardLevelSize. The scoreLevel is hardLevel for hard levels and softLevel + hardLevelSize for soft levels.
        expectedWeight - the total weight for all matches of that 1 constraint
        solution - never null, the actual PlanningSolution
      • assertHardWeight

        public void assertHardWeight​(String constraintPackage,
                                     String constraintName,
                                     int hardLevel,
                                     long expectedWeight,
                                     Solution_ solution)
        Assert that the constraint of PlanningSolution has the expected weight for that score level.
        constraintPackage - sometimes null. When null, constraintName for the scoreLevel must be unique.
        constraintName - never null, the name of the constraint
        hardLevel - 0 <= hardLevel < hardLevelSize. The scoreLevel is hardLevel for hard levels and softLevel + hardLevelSize for soft levels.
        expectedWeight - the total weight for all matches of that 1 constraint
        solution - never null, the actual PlanningSolution
      • assertSoftWeight

        public void assertSoftWeight​(String constraintName,
                                     int softLevel,
                                     long expectedWeight,
                                     Solution_ solution)
        Assert that the constraint of PlanningSolution has the expected weight for that score level.
        constraintName - never null, the name of the constraint
        softLevel - 0 <= softLevel < softLevelSize. The scoreLevel is hardLevel for hard levels and softLevel + hardLevelSize for soft levels.
        expectedWeight - the total weight for all matches of that 1 constraint
        solution - never null, the actual PlanningSolution
      • assertSoftWeight

        public void assertSoftWeight​(String constraintPackage,
                                     String constraintName,
                                     int softLevel,
                                     long expectedWeight,
                                     Solution_ solution)
        Assert that the constraint of PlanningSolution has the expected weight for that score level.
        constraintPackage - sometimes null. When null, constraintName for the scoreLevel must be unique.
        constraintName - never null, the name of the constraint
        softLevel - 0 <= softLevel < softLevelSize. The scoreLevel is hardLevel for hard levels and softLevel + hardLevelSize for soft levels.
        expectedWeight - the total weight for all matches of that 1 constraint
        solution - never null, the actual PlanningSolution