Interface Notification<Solution_,​T extends AbstractVariableListener<Solution_,​Object>>

    • Method Detail

      • entityRemoved

        static <Solution_> EntityNotification<Solution_> entityRemoved​(Object entity)
        The entity was removed.
      • variableChanged

        static <Solution_> BasicVariableNotification<Solution_> variableChanged​(Object entity)
        Basic genuine or shadow planning variable changed on entity.
      • elementUnassigned

        static <Solution_> ListVariableNotification<Solution_> elementUnassigned​(Object element)
        An element was unassigned from a list variable.
      • listVariableChanged

        static <Solution_> ListVariableNotification<Solution_> listVariableChanged​(Object entity,
                                                                                   int fromIndex,
                                                                                   int toIndex)
        A list variable change occurs on entity between fromIndex and toIndex.
      • triggerBefore

        void triggerBefore​(T variableListener,
                           ScoreDirector<Solution_> scoreDirector)
        Trigger variableListener's before method corresponding to this notification.
      • triggerAfter

        void triggerAfter​(T variableListener,
                          ScoreDirector<Solution_> scoreDirector)
        Trigger variableListener's after method corresponding to this notification.