Interface ProblemChangeDirector

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultProblemChangeDirector, MockProblemChangeDirector

public interface ProblemChangeDirector
Allows external changes to the working solution. If the changes are not applied through the ProblemChangeDirector, both internal and custom variable listeners are never notified about them, resulting to inconsistencies in the working solution. Should be used only from a ProblemChange implementation. To see an example implementation, please refer to the ProblemChange Javadoc.
  • Method Details

    • addEntity

      <Entity> void addEntity(Entity entity, Consumer<Entity> entityConsumer)
      Add a new PlanningEntity instance into the working solution.
      Type Parameters:
      Entity - the planning entity object type
      entity - never null; the PlanningEntity instance
      entityConsumer - never null; adds the entity to the working solution
    • removeEntity

      <Entity> void removeEntity(Entity entity, Consumer<Entity> entityConsumer)
      Remove an existing PlanningEntity instance from the working solution. Translates the entity to a working planning entity by performing a lookup as defined by lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(Object).
      Type Parameters:
      Entity - the planning entity object type
      entity - never null; the PlanningEntity instance
      entityConsumer - never null; removes the working entity from the working solution
    • changeVariable

      <Entity> void changeVariable(Entity entity, String variableName, Consumer<Entity> entityConsumer)
      Change a PlanningVariable value of a PlanningEntity. Translates the entity to a working planning entity by performing a lookup as defined by lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(Object).
      Type Parameters:
      Entity - the planning entity object type
      entity - never null; the PlanningEntity instance
      variableName - never null; name of the PlanningVariable
      entityConsumer - never null; updates the value of the PlanningVariable inside the PlanningEntity
    • addProblemFact

      <ProblemFact> void addProblemFact(ProblemFact problemFact, Consumer<ProblemFact> problemFactConsumer)
      Add a new problem fact into the working solution.
      Type Parameters:
      ProblemFact - the problem fact object type
      problemFact - never null; the problem fact instance
      problemFactConsumer - never null; removes the working problem fact from the working solution
    • removeProblemFact

      <ProblemFact> void removeProblemFact(ProblemFact problemFact, Consumer<ProblemFact> problemFactConsumer)
      Remove an existing problem fact from the working solution. Translates the problem fact to a working problem fact by performing a lookup as defined by lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(Object).
      Type Parameters:
      ProblemFact - the problem fact object type
      problemFact - never null; the problem fact instance
      problemFactConsumer - never null; removes the working problem fact from the working solution
    • changeProblemProperty

      <EntityOrProblemFact> void changeProblemProperty(EntityOrProblemFact problemFactOrEntity, Consumer<EntityOrProblemFact> problemFactOrEntityConsumer)
      Change a property of either a PlanningEntity or a problem fact. Translates the entity or the problem fact to its working solution counterpart by performing a lookup as defined by lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(Object).
      Type Parameters:
      EntityOrProblemFact - the planning entity or problem fact object type
      problemFactOrEntity - never null; the PlanningEntity or the problem fact instance
      problemFactOrEntityConsumer - never null; updates the property of the PlanningEntity or the problem fact
    • lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail

      <EntityOrProblemFact> EntityOrProblemFact lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(EntityOrProblemFact externalObject)
      Translate an entity or fact instance (often from another Thread or JVM) to this ProblemChangeDirector's internal working instance.

      Matching is determined by the LookUpStrategyType on PlanningSolution. Matching uses a PlanningId by default.

      Type Parameters:
      EntityOrProblemFact - the object type
      externalObject - sometimes null
      null if externalObject is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is no workingObject for externalObject, if it cannot be looked up or if the externalObject's class is not supported
      IllegalStateException - if it cannot be looked up
    • lookUpWorkingObject

      <EntityOrProblemFact> Optional<EntityOrProblemFact> lookUpWorkingObject(EntityOrProblemFact externalObject)
      As defined by lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(Object), but doesn't fail fast if no workingObject was ever added for the externalObject. It's recommended to use lookUpWorkingObjectOrFail(Object) instead.
      Type Parameters:
      EntityOrProblemFact - the object type
      externalObject - sometimes null
      Optional.empty() if externalObject is null or if there is no workingObject for externalObject
      IllegalArgumentException - if it cannot be looked up or if the externalObject's class is not supported
      IllegalStateException - if it cannot be looked up