Interface Move<Solution_>

Type Parameters:
Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMove, ChainedChangeMove, ChainedSwapMove, ChangeMove, CompositeMove, KOptMove, ListAssignMove, ListChangeMove, ListSwapMove, ListUnassignMove, NoChangeMove, PartitionChangeMove, PillarChangeMove, PillarSwapMove, SubChainChangeMove, SubChainReversingChangeMove, SubChainReversingSwapMove, SubChainSwapMove, SubListChangeMove, SubListSwapMove, SwapMove, TailChainSwapMove

public interface Move<Solution_>
A Move represents a change of 1 or more PlanningVariables of 1 or more PlanningEntitys in the working PlanningSolution.

Usually the move holds a direct reference to each PlanningEntity of the PlanningSolution which it will change when doMove(ScoreDirector) is called. On that change it should also notify the ScoreDirector accordingly.

A Move should implement Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() for MoveTabuAcceptor.

An implementation must extend AbstractMove to ensure backwards compatibility in future versions.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isMoveDoable

      boolean isMoveDoable(ScoreDirector<Solution_> scoreDirector)
      Called before a move is evaluated to decide whether the move can be done and evaluated. A Move is not doable if:
      • Either doing it would change nothing in the PlanningSolution.
      • Either it's simply not possible to do (for example due to built-in hard constraints).

      It is recommended to keep this method implementation simple: do not use it in an attempt to satisfy normal hard and soft constraints.

      Although you could also filter out non-doable moves in for example the MoveSelector or MoveListFactory, this is not needed as the Solver will do it for you.

      scoreDirector - the ScoreDirector not yet modified by the move.
      true if the move achieves a change in the solution and the move is possible to do on the solution.
    • doMove

      Move<Solution_> doMove(ScoreDirector<Solution_> scoreDirector)
      Does the move (which indirectly affects the ScoreDirector.getWorkingSolution()). When the working solution is modified, the ScoreDirector must be correctly notified (through ScoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(Object, String) and ScoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(Object, String)), otherwise later calculated Scores will be corrupted.

      This method must end with calling ScoreDirector.triggerVariableListeners() to ensure all shadow variables are updated.

      This method must return an undo move, so the move can be evaluated and then be undone without resulting into a permanent change in the solution.

      scoreDirector - never null, the ScoreDirector that needs to get notified of the changes
      an undoMove which does the exact opposite of this move
    • doMoveOnly

      default void doMoveOnly(ScoreDirector<Solution_> scoreDirector)
      As defined by doMove(ScoreDirector), but does not return an undo move.
      scoreDirector - never null, the ScoreDirector that needs to get notified of the changes
    • rebase

      default Move<Solution_> rebase(ScoreDirector<Solution_> destinationScoreDirector)
      Rebases a move from an origin ScoreDirector to another destination ScoreDirector which is usually on another Thread or JVM. The new move returned by this method translates the entities and problem facts to the destination PlanningSolution of the destination ScoreDirector, That destination PlanningSolution is a deep planning clone (or an even deeper clone) of the origin PlanningSolution that this move has been generated from.

      That new move does the exact same change as this move, resulting in the same PlanningSolution state, presuming that destination PlanningSolution was in the same state as the original PlanningSolution to begin with.

      Generally speaking, an implementation of this method iterates through every entity and fact instance in this move, translates each one to the destination ScoreDirector with ScoreDirector.lookUpWorkingObject(Object) and creates a new move instance of the same move type, using those translated instances.

      The destination PlanningSolution can be in a different state than the original PlanningSolution. So, rebasing can only depend on the identity of planning entities and planning facts, which is usually declared by a PlanningId on those classes. It must not depend on the state of the planning variables. One thread might rebase a move before, amid or after another thread does that same move instance.

      This method is thread-safe.

      destinationScoreDirector - never null, the ScoreDirector.getWorkingSolution() that the new move should change the planning entity instances of.
      never null, a new move that does the same change as this move on another solution instance
    • getSimpleMoveTypeDescription

      default String getSimpleMoveTypeDescription()
      Describes the move type for statistical purposes. For example "ChangeMove(".

      The format is not formalized. Never parse the String returned by this method.

      never null
    • getPlanningEntities

      default Collection<? extends Object> getPlanningEntities()
      Returns all planning entities that are being changed by this move. Required for AcceptorType.ENTITY_TABU.

      This method is only called after doMove(ScoreDirector) (which might affect the return values).

      Duplicate entries in the returned Collection are best avoided. The returned Collection is recommended to be in a stable order. For example: use List or LinkedHashSet, but not HashSet.

      never null
    • getPlanningValues

      default Collection<? extends Object> getPlanningValues()
      Returns all planning values that entities are being assigned to by this move. Required for AcceptorType.VALUE_TABU.

      This method is only called after doMove(ScoreDirector) (which might affect the return values).

      Duplicate entries in the returned Collection are best avoided. The returned Collection is recommended to be in a stable order. For example: use List or LinkedHashSet, but not HashSet.

      never null