Class EasyScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>>

Type Parameters:
Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation
Score_ - the score type to go with the solution
All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Cloneable, ScoreDirector<Solution_>, InnerScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_>

public class EasyScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_ extends Score<Score_>> extends AbstractScoreDirector<Solution_,Score_,EasyScoreDirectorFactory<Solution_,Score_>>
Easy java implementation of ScoreDirector, which recalculates the Score of the working solution every time. This is non-incremental calculation, which is slow. This score director implementation does not support ScoreExplanation.getConstraintMatchTotalMap() and ScoreExplanation.getIndictmentMap().
See Also: