OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Annotation Type PlanningSolution

public @interface PlanningSolution

Specifies that the class is a planning solution. Each planning solution must have at least 1 PlanningEntityCollectionProperty or PlanningEntityProperty property.

The class should have a public no-arg constructor, so it can be cloned. TODO currently this violated DRY because the user needs to implement Solution too.

Optional Element Summary
 Class<? extends SolutionCloner> solutionCloner
          Overrides the default PlanningSolution.NullSolutionCloner to implement a custom Solution cloning implementation.


public abstract Class<? extends SolutionCloner> solutionCloner
Overrides the default PlanningSolution.NullSolutionCloner to implement a custom Solution cloning implementation.

If this is not specified and the Solution does not implements PlanningCloneable, the default reflection-based PlanningSolution.NullSolutionCloner is used, so you don't have to worry about it.

PlanningSolution.NullSolutionCloner when it is null (workaround for annotation limitation)

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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