OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Interface Solution<S extends Score>

public interface Solution<S extends Score>

A Solution represents a problem and a possible solution of that problem. A possible solution does not need to optimal or even feasible. A Solution does not even have to be initialized with a possible solution.

A Solution is mutable. For scalability reasons, the same Solution instance will be continuously modified. It's cloned to recall the best solution.

Method Summary
 Collection<? extends Object> getProblemFacts()
          Called by the DroolsScoreDirector when the Solution needs to be inserted into an empty KieSession.
 S getScore()
          Returns the Score of this Solution.
 void setScore(S score)
          Called by the Solver when the Score of this Solution has been calculated.

Method Detail


S getScore()
Returns the Score of this Solution.

null if the Solution is uninitialized or the last calculated Score is dirty the new Score has not yet been recalculated


void setScore(S score)
Called by the Solver when the Score of this Solution has been calculated.

score - null if the Solution has changed and the new Score has not yet been recalculated


Collection<? extends Object> getProblemFacts()
Called by the DroolsScoreDirector when the Solution needs to be inserted into an empty KieSession. These facts can be used by the score rules. They don't change during planning (except through ProblemFactChange events).

Do not include the planning entities as problem facts: they are automatically inserted into the KieSession if and only if they are initialized. When they are initialized later, they are also automatically inserted.

never null (although an empty collection is allowed), all the facts of this solution except for the planning entities

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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