OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Class AbstractScoreDefinition<S extends Score>

  extended by org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.definition.AbstractScoreDefinition<S>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ScoreDefinition<S>
Direct Known Subclasses:
BendableScoreDefinition, HardMediumSoftScoreDefinition, HardSoftBigDecimalScoreDefinition, HardSoftDoubleScoreDefinition, HardSoftLongScoreDefinition, HardSoftScoreDefinition, SimpleBigDecimalScoreDefinition, SimpleDoubleScoreDefinition, SimpleLongScoreDefinition, SimpleScoreDefinition

public abstract class AbstractScoreDefinition<S extends Score>
extends Object
implements ScoreDefinition<S>, Serializable

Abstract superclass for ScoreDefinition.

See Also:
ScoreDefinition, HardSoftScoreDefinition, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String formatScore(Score score)
          Returns a String representation of the Score.
 S getPerfectMaximumScore()
          The perfect maximum Score is the Score of which there is no better in any problem instance.
 S getPerfectMinimumScore()
          The perfect minimum Score is the Score of which there is no worse in any problem instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.definition.ScoreDefinition
buildScoreHolder, calculateTimeGradient, getScoreClass, parseScore

Constructor Detail


public AbstractScoreDefinition()
Method Detail


public S getPerfectMaximumScore()
Description copied from interface: ScoreDefinition
The perfect maximum Score is the Score of which there is no better in any problem instance. This doesn't mean that the current problem instance, or any problem instance for that matter, could ever attain that Score.

For example, most cases have a perfect maximum Score of zero, as most use cases only have negative constraints.

Specified by:
getPerfectMaximumScore in interface ScoreDefinition<S extends Score>
null if not supported


public S getPerfectMinimumScore()
Description copied from interface: ScoreDefinition
The perfect minimum Score is the Score of which there is no worse in any problem instance. This doesn't mean that the current problem instance, or any problem instance for that matter, could ever attain such a bad Score.

For example, most cases have a perfect minimum Score of negative infinity.

Specified by:
getPerfectMinimumScore in interface ScoreDefinition<S extends Score>
null if not supported


public String formatScore(Score score)
Description copied from interface: ScoreDefinition
Returns a String representation of the Score.

Specified by:
formatScore in interface ScoreDefinition<S extends Score>
score - never null
never null
See Also:

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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