OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Interface Score<S extends Score>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractScore, BendableScore, HardMediumSoftScore, HardSoftBigDecimalScore, HardSoftDoubleScore, HardSoftLongScore, HardSoftScore, SimpleBigDecimalScore, SimpleDoubleScore, SimpleLongScore, SimpleScore

public interface Score<S extends Score>
extends Comparable<S>

A Score is result of the score function (AKA fitness function) on a single possible solution.

Implementations must be immutable.

Implementations are allowed to optionally implement Pareto comparison and therefore slightly violate the transitive requirement of Comparable.compareTo(Object).

See Also:
AbstractScore, HardSoftScore

Method Summary
 S add(S augment)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this + augment).
 S divide(double divisor)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this / divisor).
 S multiply(double multiplicand)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this * multiplicand).
 S power(double exponent)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this ^ exponent).
 S subtract(S subtrahend)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this - subtrahend).
 Number[] toLevelNumbers()
          Returns an array of doubles representing the Score.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


S add(S augment)
Returns a Score whose value is (this + augment).

augment - value to be added to this Score
this + augment


S subtract(S subtrahend)
Returns a Score whose value is (this - subtrahend).

subtrahend - value to be subtracted from this Score
this - subtrahend, rounded as necessary


S multiply(double multiplicand)
Returns a Score whose value is (this * multiplicand). When rounding is needed, it should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double).

/> If the implementation has a scale/precision, then the unspecified scale/precision of the double multiplicand should have no impact on the returned scale/precision.

multiplicand - value to be multiplied by this Score.
this * multiplicand


S divide(double divisor)
Returns a Score whose value is (this / divisor). When rounding is needed, it should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double).

/> If the implementation has a scale/precision, then the unspecified scale/precision of the double divisor should have no impact on the returned scale/precision.

divisor - value by which this Score is to be divided
this / divisor


S power(double exponent)
Returns a Score whose value is (this ^ exponent). When rounding is needed, it should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double).

/> If the implementation has a scale/precision, then the unspecified scale/precision of the double exponent should have no impact on the returned scale/precision.

exponent - value by which this Score is to be powered
this ^ exponent


Number[] toLevelNumbers()
Returns an array of doubles representing the Score. Each double represents 1 score level. A greater score level uses a lower array index than a lesser score level.

When rounding is needed, each rounding should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double). The length of the returned array must be stable for a specific Score implementation.

For example: -0hard/-7soft returns new double{-0.0, -7.0}

never null

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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