OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Interface ProblemIO

public interface ProblemIO

Reads or writes a Solution from or to a File.

Every implementation must be thread-safe.

Method Summary
 String getFileExtension()
          Every Solution type potentially has its own file extension.
 Solution read(File inputSolutionFile)
          This method is thread-safe.
 void write(Solution solution, File outputSolutionFile)
          This method is thread-safe.

Method Detail


String getFileExtension()
Every Solution type potentially has its own file extension. If no specific file extension is defined by the use case, the following are recommended:

It's good practice that both the input and the output file have the same file extension, because an output file should be able to function as an input file. If that isn't the case, this method should return the output file extension.

The file extension does not include the dot that separates it from the base name.

This method is thread-safe.

never null, for example "xml"


Solution read(File inputSolutionFile)
This method is thread-safe.

inputSolutionFile - never null
never null


void write(Solution solution,
           File outputSolutionFile)
This method is thread-safe.

solution - never null
outputSolutionFile - never null, parent directory already exists

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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