Interface InnerScoreDirector<Solution_,​Score_ extends Score<Score_>>

    • Method Detail

      • setWorkingSolution

        void setWorkingSolution​(Solution_ workingSolution)
        The working solution must never be the same instance as the best solution, it should be a (un)changed clone.
        workingSolution - never null
      • overwriteConstraintMatchEnabledPreference

        void overwriteConstraintMatchEnabledPreference​(boolean constraintMatchEnabledPreference)
        constraintMatchEnabledPreference - false if a ScoreDirector implementation should not do ConstraintMatch tracking even if it supports it.
      • doAndProcessMove

        Score_ doAndProcessMove​(Move<Solution_> move,
                                boolean assertMoveScoreFromScratch)
        move - never null
        assertMoveScoreFromScratch - true will hurt performance
        never null
      • doAndProcessMove

        void doAndProcessMove​(Move<Solution_> move,
                              boolean assertMoveScoreFromScratch,
                              Consumer<Score_> moveProcessor)
        move - never null
        assertMoveScoreFromScratch - true will hurt performance
        moveProcessor - never null, use this to store the score as well as call the acceptor and forager
      • isWorkingEntityListDirty

        boolean isWorkingEntityListDirty​(long expectedWorkingEntityListRevision)
        expectedWorkingEntityListRevision - an
        true if the entityList might have a different set of instances now
      • requiresFlushing

        boolean requiresFlushing()
        Some score directors (such as the Drools-based) keep a set of changes that they only apply when calculateScore() is called. Until that happens, this set accumulates and could possibly act as a memory leak.
        true if the score director can potentially cause a memory leak due to unflushed changes.
      • cloneWorkingSolution

        Solution_ cloneWorkingSolution()
        Returns a planning clone of the solution, which is not a shallow clone nor a deep clone nor a partition clone.
        never null, planning clone
      • cloneSolution

        Solution_ cloneSolution​(Solution_ originalSolution)
        Returns a planning clone of the solution, which is not a shallow clone nor a deep clone nor a partition clone.
        originalSolution - never null
        never null, planning clone
      • getCalculationCount

        long getCalculationCount()
        at least 0L
      • resetCalculationCount

        void resetCalculationCount()
      • getSupplyManager

        SupplyManager getSupplyManager()
        never null
      • setAllChangesWillBeUndoneBeforeStepEnds

        void setAllChangesWillBeUndoneBeforeStepEnds​(boolean allChangesWillBeUndoneBeforeStepEnds)
        Do not waste performance by propagating changes to step (or higher) mechanisms.
        allChangesWillBeUndoneBeforeStepEnds - true if all changes will be undone
      • assertExpectedWorkingScore

        void assertExpectedWorkingScore​(Score_ expectedWorkingScore,
                                        Object completedAction)
        Asserts that if the Score is calculated for the current working solution in the current ScoreDirector (with possibly incremental calculation residue), it is equal to the parameter expectedWorkingScore.

        Used to assert that skipping calculateScore() (when the score is otherwise determined) is correct.

        expectedWorkingScore - never null
        completedAction - sometimes null, when assertion fails then the completedAction's Object.toString() is included in the exception message
      • assertShadowVariablesAreNotStale

        void assertShadowVariablesAreNotStale​(Score_ expectedWorkingScore,
                                              Object completedAction)
        Asserts that if all VariableListeners are forcibly triggered, and therefore all shadow variables are updated if needed, that none of the shadow variables of the working solution change, Then also asserts that the Score calculated for the working solution afterwards is equal to the parameter expectedWorkingScore.

        Used to assert that the shadow variables' state is consistent with the genuine variables' state.

        expectedWorkingScore - never null
        completedAction - sometimes null, when assertion fails then the completedAction's Object.toString() is included in the exception message
      • assertExpectedUndoMoveScore

        void assertExpectedUndoMoveScore​(Move<Solution_> move,
                                         Score_ beforeMoveScore)
        Asserts that if the Score is calculated for the current working solution in the current ScoreDirector (with incremental calculation residue), it is equal to the parameter beforeMoveScore.

        Furthermore, if the assert fails, a score corruption analysis might be included in the exception message.

        move - never null
        beforeMoveScore - never null
      • close

        void close()
        Needs to be called after use because some implementations need to clean up their resources.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
      • beforeListVariableElementAssigned

        void beforeListVariableElementAssigned​(ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor,
                                               Object element)
        Call this for each element that will be assigned (added to a list variable of one entity without being removed from a list variable of another entity).
        variableDescriptor - the list variable descriptor
        element - the assigned element
      • afterListVariableElementAssigned

        void afterListVariableElementAssigned​(ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor,
                                              Object element)
        Call this for each element that was assigned (added to a list variable of one entity without being removed from a list variable of another entity).
        variableDescriptor - the list variable descriptor
        element - the assigned element
      • beforeListVariableElementUnassigned

        void beforeListVariableElementUnassigned​(ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor,
                                                 Object element)
        Call this for each element that will be unassigned (removed from a list variable of one entity without being added to a list variable of another entity).
        variableDescriptor - the list variable descriptor
        element - the unassigned element
      • afterListVariableElementUnassigned

        void afterListVariableElementUnassigned​(ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor,
                                                Object element)
        Call this for each element that was unassigned (removed from a list variable of one entity without being added to a list variable of another entity).
        variableDescriptor - the list variable descriptor
        element - the unassigned element
      • beforeListVariableChanged

        void beforeListVariableChanged​(ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor,
                                       Object entity,
                                       int fromIndex,
                                       int toIndex)
        Notify the score director before a list variable changes.

        The list variable change includes:

        • Changing position (index) of one or more elements.
        • Removing one or more elements from the list variable.
        • Adding one or more elements to the list variable.
        • Any mix of the above.
        For the sake of variable listeners' efficiency, the change notification requires an index range that contains elements affected by the change. The range starts at fromIndex (inclusive) and ends at toIndex (exclusive).

        The range has to comply with the following contract:

        1. fromIndex must be greater than or equal to 0; toIndex must be less than or equal to the list variable size.
        2. toIndex must be greater than or equal to fromIndex.
        3. The range must contain all elements that are going to be changed.
        4. The range is allowed to contain elements that are not going to be changed.
        5. The range may be empty (fromIndex equals toIndex) if none of the existing list variable elements are going to be changed.

        beforeListVariableElementUnassigned(ListVariableDescriptor, Object) must be called for each element that will be unassigned (removed from a list variable of one entity without being added to a list variable of another entity).

        variableDescriptor - descriptor of the list variable being changed
        entity - the entity owning the list variable being changed
        fromIndex - low endpoint (inclusive) of the changed range
        toIndex - high endpoint (exclusive) of the changed range
      • afterListVariableChanged

        void afterListVariableChanged​(ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> variableDescriptor,
                                      Object entity,
                                      int fromIndex,
                                      int toIndex)
        Notify the score director after a list variable changes.

        The list variable change includes:

        • Changing position (index) of one or more elements.
        • Removing one or more elements from the list variable.
        • Adding one or more elements to the list variable.
        • Any mix of the above.
        For the sake of variable listeners' efficiency, the change notification requires an index range that contains elements affected by the change. The range starts at fromIndex (inclusive) and ends at toIndex (exclusive).

        The range has to comply with the following contract:

        1. fromIndex must be greater than or equal to 0; toIndex must be less than or equal to the list variable size.
        2. toIndex must be greater than or equal to fromIndex.
        3. The range must contain all elements that have changed.
        4. The range is allowed to contain elements that have not changed.
        5. The range may be empty (fromIndex equals toIndex) if none of the existing list variable elements have changed.

        afterListVariableElementUnassigned(ListVariableDescriptor, Object) must be called for each element that was unassigned (removed from a list variable of one entity without being added to a list variable of another entity).

        variableDescriptor - descriptor of the list variable being changed
        entity - the entity owning the list variable being changed
        fromIndex - low endpoint (inclusive) of the changed range
        toIndex - high endpoint (exclusive) of the changed range