OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Interface FeasibilityScore<S extends FeasibilityScore>

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable<S>, Score<S>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BendableScore, HardMediumSoftScore, HardSoftBigDecimalScore, HardSoftDoubleScore, HardSoftLongScore, HardSoftScore

public interface FeasibilityScore<S extends FeasibilityScore>
extends Score<S>

A Score that supports isFeasible().

Method Summary
 boolean isFeasible()
          A Solution is feasible if it has no broken hard constraints.
Methods inherited from interface org.optaplanner.core.api.score.Score
add, divide, multiply, power, subtract, toLevelNumbers
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable

Method Detail


boolean isFeasible()
A Solution is feasible if it has no broken hard constraints.

true if the hard score(s) is 0 or higher

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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