OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Class HardMediumSoftScore

  extended by org.optaplanner.core.api.score.AbstractScore<HardMediumSoftScore>
      extended by org.optaplanner.core.api.score.buildin.hardmediumsoft.HardMediumSoftScore
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<HardMediumSoftScore>, FeasibilityScore<HardMediumSoftScore>, Score<HardMediumSoftScore>

public final class HardMediumSoftScore
extends AbstractScore<HardMediumSoftScore>
implements FeasibilityScore<HardMediumSoftScore>

This Score is based on 3 levels of int constraints: hard, medium and soft. Hard constraints have priority over medium constraints. Medium constraints have priority over soft constraints.

This class is immutable.

See Also:
Score, Serialized Form

Method Summary
 HardMediumSoftScore add(HardMediumSoftScore augment)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this + augment).
 int compareTo(HardMediumSoftScore other)
 HardMediumSoftScore divide(double divisor)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this / divisor).
 boolean equals(Object o)
 int getHardScore()
          The total of the broken negative hard constraints and fulfilled positive hard constraints.
 int getMediumScore()
          The total of the broken negative medium constraints and fulfilled positive medium constraints.
 int getSoftScore()
          The total of the broken negative soft constraints and fulfilled positive soft constraints.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isFeasible()
          A Solution is feasible if it has no broken hard constraints.
 HardMediumSoftScore multiply(double multiplicand)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this * multiplicand).
static HardMediumSoftScore parseScore(String scoreString)
 HardMediumSoftScore power(double exponent)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this ^ exponent).
 HardMediumSoftScore subtract(HardMediumSoftScore subtrahend)
          Returns a Score whose value is (this - subtrahend).
 Number[] toLevelNumbers()
          Returns an array of doubles representing the Score.
 String toString()
static HardMediumSoftScore valueOf(int hardScore, int mediumScore, int softScore)
Methods inherited from class org.optaplanner.core.api.score.AbstractScore
buildScorePattern, buildScorePattern, parseLevelStrings, parseLevelStrings
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static HardMediumSoftScore parseScore(String scoreString)


public static HardMediumSoftScore valueOf(int hardScore,
                                          int mediumScore,
                                          int softScore)


public int getHardScore()
The total of the broken negative hard constraints and fulfilled positive hard constraints. Their weight is included in the total. The hard score is usually a negative number because most use cases only have negative constraints.

higher is better, usually negative, 0 if no hard constraints are broken/fulfilled


public int getMediumScore()
The total of the broken negative medium constraints and fulfilled positive medium constraints. Their weight is included in the total. The medium score is usually a negative number because most use cases only have negative constraints.

In a normal score comparison, the medium score is irrelevant if the 2 scores don't have the same score.

higher is better, usually negative, 0 if no hard constraints are broken/fulfilled


public int getSoftScore()
The total of the broken negative soft constraints and fulfilled positive soft constraints. Their weight is included in the total. The soft score is usually a negative number because most use cases only have negative constraints.

In a normal score comparison, the soft score is irrelevant if the 2 scores don't have the same hard and medium score.

higher is better, usually negative, 0 if no soft constraints are broken/fulfilled


public boolean isFeasible()
A Solution is feasible if it has no broken hard constraints.

Specified by:
isFeasible in interface FeasibilityScore<HardMediumSoftScore>
true if the getHardScore() is 0 or higher


public HardMediumSoftScore add(HardMediumSoftScore augment)
Description copied from interface: Score
Returns a Score whose value is (this + augment).

Specified by:
add in interface Score<HardMediumSoftScore>
augment - value to be added to this Score
this + augment


public HardMediumSoftScore subtract(HardMediumSoftScore subtrahend)
Description copied from interface: Score
Returns a Score whose value is (this - subtrahend).

Specified by:
subtract in interface Score<HardMediumSoftScore>
subtrahend - value to be subtracted from this Score
this - subtrahend, rounded as necessary


public HardMediumSoftScore multiply(double multiplicand)
Description copied from interface: Score
Returns a Score whose value is (this * multiplicand). When rounding is needed, it should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double).

/> If the implementation has a scale/precision, then the unspecified scale/precision of the double multiplicand should have no impact on the returned scale/precision.

Specified by:
multiply in interface Score<HardMediumSoftScore>
multiplicand - value to be multiplied by this Score.
this * multiplicand


public HardMediumSoftScore divide(double divisor)
Description copied from interface: Score
Returns a Score whose value is (this / divisor). When rounding is needed, it should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double).

/> If the implementation has a scale/precision, then the unspecified scale/precision of the double divisor should have no impact on the returned scale/precision.

Specified by:
divide in interface Score<HardMediumSoftScore>
divisor - value by which this Score is to be divided
this / divisor


public HardMediumSoftScore power(double exponent)
Description copied from interface: Score
Returns a Score whose value is (this ^ exponent). When rounding is needed, it should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double).

/> If the implementation has a scale/precision, then the unspecified scale/precision of the double exponent should have no impact on the returned scale/precision.

Specified by:
power in interface Score<HardMediumSoftScore>
exponent - value by which this Score is to be powered
this ^ exponent


public Number[] toLevelNumbers()
Description copied from interface: Score
Returns an array of doubles representing the Score. Each double represents 1 score level. A greater score level uses a lower array index than a lesser score level.

When rounding is needed, each rounding should be floored (as defined by Math.floor(double). The length of the returned array must be stable for a specific Score implementation.

For example: -0hard/-7soft returns new double{-0.0, -7.0}

Specified by:
toLevelNumbers in interface Score<HardMediumSoftScore>
never null


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


public int compareTo(HardMediumSoftScore other)
Specified by:
compareTo in interface Comparable<HardMediumSoftScore>


public String toString()
toString in class Object

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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