OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

Interface SolverEventListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SolverEventListener
extends EventListener

Method Summary
 void bestSolutionChanged(BestSolutionChangedEvent event)
          Called once every time when a better Solution is found.

Method Detail


void bestSolutionChanged(BestSolutionChangedEvent event)
Called once every time when a better Solution is found. Early in the solving process it's usually called more frequently than later on.

Called from the solver thread. Should return fast, because it steals time from the Solver.

If Solver.addProblemFactChange(ProblemFactChange) has been called once or more, all ProblemFactChanges will be processed and this method is called once. In that case, the former best Solution is considered stale, so it doesn't matter whether the new Score is better than that or not.

event - never null

OptaPlanner core 6.0.0.Final

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