All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract superclass for Acceptor.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Implement IBendableScore instead.
Abstract superclass that combines multiple Terminations.
A config class is a user-friendly, validating configuration class that maps XML input.
Abstract superclass for CountableValueRange (and therefore ValueRange).
Abstract superclass for EntityPlacer.
It is expected that if two instances share the same properties, they are equal to one another.
Abstract superclass for FinalistPodium.
This and its subclasses exist so that Gizmo only needs to generate code where it is necessary for it to be generated.
Abstract superclass for LocalSearchForager.
Abstract superclass for Move.
Abstract superclass for MoveSelector.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Implement Score instead.
Abstract superclass for ScoreDefinition.
Abstract superclass for ScoreDirector.
Abstract superclass for ScoreDirectorFactory.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Abstract superclass for ScoreHolder.
Unlike AbstractScoreHolder.IntMatchExecutor and its counterparts, this is not being used on CS-D code paths.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
Abstract superclass for Selector.
Common code between DefaultSolver and child solvers (such as PartitionSolver).
Abstract superclass for all Tabu Acceptors.
Abstract superclass for Termination.
Abstract superclass for ValueRange that is not a CountableValueRange).
Abstract superclass for ValueSelector.
Some Demand implementation classes are defined by their VariableDescriptor and nothing else.
Common ancestor for specialized planning variable listeners.
A LocalSearchForager which forages accepted moves and ignores unaccepted moves.
An Acceptor accepts or rejects a selected Move.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the anchor of a chained PlanningVariable, which implies it's a shadow variable.
Only supported for chained variables.
Only selects values from the child value selector that are assigned.
Determines if and how to automatically presume ConstraintConfigurationProvider, ProblemFactCollectionProperty, ProblemFactProperty, PlanningEntityCollectionProperty, PlanningEntityProperty and PlanningScore annotations on PlanningSolution members based from the member type.
Concurrency notes: Condition predicate on (BasicPlumbingTermination.problemFactChangeQueue is not empty or BasicPlumbingTermination.terminatedEarly is true).
This Score is based on n levels of BigDecimal constraints.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on n levels of long constraints.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on n levels of int constraints.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
Delivered when the best solution changes during solving.
Remembers the best solution that a Solver encounters.
Used to build a Constraint out of a BiConstraintStream, applying optional configuration.
Usually created with ConstraintCollectors.
A ConstraintStream that matches two facts.
Created with Joiners.
Investigate nodes layer by layer: investigate shallower nodes first.
This Iterator does not shuffle and is never ending.
A EntitySelector that caches the result of its child EntitySelector.
A MoveSelector that caches the result of its child MoveSelector.
A ValueSelector that caches the result of its child ValueSelector.
A CompositeMoveSelector that Cartesian products 2 or more MoveSelectors.
Exists so that particular user-provided classes, which are instantiated by OptaPlanner from SolverConfig, only ever have one instance.
Sorts a selection List based on a Comparator.
Combines several acceptors into one.
A CompositeMove is composed out of multiple other moves.
Abstract superclass for every composite MoveSelector.
Combines several SelectionFilters into one.
This represents a single constraint in the ConstraintStream API that impacts the Score.
Allows end users to change the constraint weights, by not hard coding them.
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a ConstraintConfiguration.
The factory to create every ConstraintStream (for example with ConstraintFactory.forEach(Class)) which ends in a Constraint returned by ConstraintProvider.defineConstraints(ConstraintFactory).
Marker interface for constraint justifications.
Allows a IncrementalScoreCalculator to report ConstraintMatchTotals for explaining a score (= which score constraints match for how much) and also for score corruption analysis.
Explains the Score of a PlanningSolution, from the opposite side than Indictment.
Used by Constraint Streams' Score calculation.
A constraint stream is a declaration on how to match one, two or more objects.
Implementations must be thread-safe, in order to enable parallel test execution.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) set the constraint weight and score level of a constraint.
A ConstructionHeuristicPhase is a Phase which uses a construction heuristic algorithm, such as First Fit, First Fit Decreasing, Cheapest Insertion, ...
A ValueRange that is ending.
Runs a custom algorithm as a Phase of the Solver that changes the planning variables.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Workaround for annotation limitation in CustomShadowVariable.variableListenerClass().
Marks a problem fact class as being required to be deep planning cloned.
Default implementation of ConstraintJustification, returned by ConstraintMatch.getJustification() unless the user defined a custom justification mapping.
Default implementation of ConstructionHeuristicPhase.
Default implementation of CustomPhase.
Default implementation of ExhaustiveSearchPhase.
Default implementation of LocalSearchPhase.
Default implementation of PartitionedSearchPhase.
Default implementation for Solver.
Similar to Executors's DefaultThreadFactory, but allows settings a namePrefix.
This is the common SubChainSelector implementation.
A subsystem submits a demand for a Supply.
Investigate deeper nodes first.
Determines how members (fields and methods) of the domain (for example the planner variable) are accessed.
Note: Floating point numbers (float, double) cannot represent a decimal number correctly.
Drools implementation of ScoreDirector, which directs the Rule Engine to calculate the Score of the working solution.
Drools implementation of ScoreDirectorFactory.
Used for easy java Score calculation.
Easy java implementation of ScoreDirector, which recalculates the Score of the working solution every time.
Easy implementation of ScoreDirectorFactory.
Selects destinations for list variable change moves.
Points to a list variable position specified by an entity and an index.
A notifiable listening for EntityNotifications.
Selects instances of 1 PlanningEntity annotated class.
The manner of sorting PlanningEntity instances.
The environment mode also allows you to detect common bugs in your implementation.
A ExhaustiveSearchPhase is a Phase which uses an exhaustive algorithm, such as Brute Force.
Alternative to AnchorVariableListener.
Alternative to IndexVariableListener.
A podium gathers the finalists (the LocalSearchMoveScopes which might win) and picks the winner.
Compares 2 HardSoftScores based on the calculation of the hard multiplied by a weight, summed with the soft.
This is the common ValueSelector implementation.
This is the common EntitySelector implementation.
This is the common ValueSelector implementation.
Abstract superclass for every generic MoveSelector.
Generates the bytecode for the MemberAccessor of a particular Member
Describe and provide simplified/unified access for a Member
This Score is based on 3 levels of BigDecimal constraints: hard, medium and soft.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 3 levels of long constraints: hard, medium and soft.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 3 levels of int constraints: hard, medium and soft.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 2 levels of BigDecimal constraints: hard and soft.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 2 levels of long constraints: hard and soft.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 2 levels of int constraints: hard and soft.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
Default implementation of FinalistPodium.
Bendable score is a Score whose IBendableScore.hardLevelsSize() and IBendableScore.softLevelsSize() are only known at runtime.
Used for incremental java Score calculation.
Incremental java implementation of ScoreDirector, which only recalculates the Score of the part of the working solution that changed, instead of the going through the entire PlanningSolution.
Incremental implementation of ScoreDirectorFactory.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is an index of this planning value in another entity's PlanningListVariable.
Only supported for list variables.
Explains the Score of a PlanningSolution, from the opposite side than ConstraintMatchTotal.
Prevents creating chains without an anchor.
Bounds the possible Scores for a PlanningSolution as more and more variables are initialized (while the already initialized variables don't change).
Bounds 1 score level of the possible Scores for a PlanningSolution as more and more variables are initialized (while the already initialized variables don't change).
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the inverse of a PlanningVariable, which implies it's a shadow variable.
Creates an BiJoiner, TriJoiner, ...
Used via ServiceLoader so that the constraint streams implementation can be fully split from its API, without getting split packages or breaking backwards compatibility.
A MemberAccessor based on a getter and optionally a setter.
P(x) = 2/m - 2x/m².
An ordered Set which is implemented as a ArrayList for a small Set.size() and a LinkedHashSet for a big Set.size().
Moves an element of a list variable.
An extension on the Iterable interface that supports ListIterable.listIterator() and ListIterable.listIterator(int).
Swaps two elements of a list variable.
A listener sourced on a PlanningListVariable.
Collects the moves and picks the next step from those for the LocalSearchDecider.
A LocalSearchPhase is a Phase which uses a Local Search algorithm, such as Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Late Acceptance, ...
This class is thread-safe.
Determines how ScoreDirector.lookUpWorkingObject(Object) maps a problem fact or a planning entity from an external copy to the internal one.
Fast and easy access to a Member of a bean, which is a property (with a getter and optional setter Method) or a Field.
Supply whose value is pre-computed and cached the first time is called.
Use for unit-testing ProblemChanges.
A Move represents a change of 1 or more PlanningVariables of 1 or more PlanningEntitys in the working PlanningSolution.
An interface to generate an Iterator of custom Moves.
A simple interface to generate a List of custom Moves.
Generates Moves.
General superclass for ChangeMoveSelectorConfig, etc.
A mutable key-value tuple.
A mutable tuple of four values.
A mutable tuple of three values.
Calculating NearbyDistanceMatrix is very expensive, therefore we want to reuse it as much as possible.
Implementations are expected to be stateless.
Strategy pattern to select a index of a nearby ordered value range according to a probability distribution.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) references the next element in the same PlanningListVariable.
Makes no changes.
Makes no changes.
A NoChangePhase is a Phase which does nothing.
A notifiable’s purpose is to execute variable listener methods.
A notification represents some kind of change of a planning variable.
Run this class from the command line interface to run a benchmarkConfigFile directly (using the normal classpath from the JVM).
This class adds all Jackson serializers and deserializers.
This class adds all JSON-B adapters.
Investigate the nodes with a better optimistic bound first, then deeper nodes.
Investigate deeper nodes first, in order.
An immutable key-value tuple.
P(x) = 3(m - x)²/m³.
Applies a new best solution from a partition child solver into the global working solution of the parent solver.
A PartitionedSearchPhase is a Phase which uses a Partition Search algorithm.
This class is thread-safe.
Represents a function that accepts five arguments and produces a result.
Created with Joiners.
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of five arguments.
A phase of a Solver.
An adapter for PhaseLifecycleListener.
Internal API.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is a custom shadow variable that is updated by another shadow variable's variable listener.
Workaround for annotation limitation in PiggybackShadowVariable.shadowEntityClass().
This Move is not cacheable.
A pillar is a List of entities that have the same planning value for each (or a subset) of their planning values.
This Move is not cacheable.
Filters out entities that return true for the PlanningPin annotated boolean member.
Decides on accepting or discarding a PlanningEntity.
A planner benchmark that runs a number of single benchmarks.
If at least one of the SingleBenchmarkResults of a PlannerBenchmark fail, the PlannerBenchmark throws this exception after all SingleBenchmarkResults are finished and the benchmark report has been written.
Builds PlannerBenchmark instances.
Represents the benchmarks on multiple Solver configurations on multiple problem instances (data sets).
Specifies that the class is a planning entity.
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningEntity.difficultyComparatorClass().
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningEntity.difficultyWeightFactoryClass().
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningEntity.pinningFilter() ()}.
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a Collection of planning entities.
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a planning entity.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is the id to match when locating an externalObject (often from another Thread or JVM).
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) can be changed and should be optimized by the optimization algorithms.
Specifies that a boolean property (or field) of a PlanningEntity determines if the planning entity is pinned.
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class holds the Score of that solution.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Specifies that the class is a planning solution.
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningSolution.solutionCloner().
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) can be changed and should be optimized by the optimization algorithms.
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningVariable.strengthComparatorClass().
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningVariable.strengthWeightFactoryClass().
A reference to a genuine PlanningVariable or a shadow variable.
Workaround for annotation limitation in PlanningVariableReference.entityClass().
Jackson binding support for a Score type (but not a subtype).
Jackson binding support for a Score type (but not a subtype).
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) references the previous element in the same PlanningListVariable.
Represents 1 problem instance (data set) benchmarked on multiple Solver configurations.
A ProblemChange represents a change in one or more planning entities or problem facts of a PlanningSolution.
Provides a layer of abstraction over ProblemChange and the deprecated ProblemFactChange to preserve backward compatibility.
Allows external changes to the working solution.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a Collection of problem facts.
Specifies that a property (or a field) on a PlanningSolution class is a problem fact.
1 statistic of ProblemBenchmarkResult.
1 statistic of SubSingleBenchmarkResult.
Used to build a Constraint out of a QuadConstraintStream, applying optional configuration.
Usually created with ConstraintCollectors.
A ConstraintStream that matches four facts.
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a result.
Created with Joiners.
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of four arguments.
An immutable tuple of four values.
Defines the pseudo random number generator.
A MemberAccessor based on a getter and optionally a setter.
A MemberAccessor based on a field.
Avoids the usage of Introspector to work on Android too.
A MemberAccessor based on a single read Method.
Prevents reassigning of already initialized variables during Construction Heuristics and Exhaustive Search.
A Score is result of the score function (AKA fitness function) on a single possible solution.
A ScoreDefinition knows how to compare Scores and what the perfect maximum/minimum Score is.
The ScoreDirector holds the working solution and calculates the Score for it.
Builds a ScoreDirector.
All ScoreDirectorFactory implementations must provide an implementation of this interface, as well as an entry in META-INF/services/org.optaplanner.core.impl.score.director.ScoreDirectorFactoryService file.
Build by ScoreManager.explainScore(Object) to hold ConstraintMatchTotals and Indictments necessary to explain the quality of a particular Score.
Investigate the nodes with a better optimistic bound first, then deeper nodes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
A stateless service to help calculate Score, ConstraintMatchTotal, Indictment, etc.
There is no INHERIT by design because 2 sequential caches provides no benefit, only memory overhead.
Decides on accepting or discarding a selection (which is a PlanningEntity, a planningValue, a Move or a Selector).
Defines in which order the elements or a selector are selected.
Create a probabilityWeight for a selection (which is a PlanningEntity, a planningValue, a Move or a Selector).
Decides the order of a List of selection (which is a PlanningEntity, a planningValue, a Move or a Selector).
Creates a weight to decide the order of a collections of selections (a selection is a PlanningEntity, a planningValue, a Move or a Selector).
General interface for MoveSelector, EntitySelector and ValueSelector which generates Moves or parts of them.
Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is a custom shadow variable of 1 or more source variables.
Defines several ShadowVariable annotations on the same element.
Workaround for annotation limitation in ShadowVariable.sourceEntityClass().
Serves for detecting shadow variables' corruption.
This Score is based on 1 level of BigDecimal constraints.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 1 level of long constraints.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
This Score is based on 1 level of int constraints.
This class is Hibernate specific, because JPA 2.1's @Converter currently cannot handle 1 class mapping to multiple SQL columns.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Jackson binding support for a Score type.
Jackson binding support for a Score subtype.
JAXB binding support for a Score type.
JSON-B binding support for a Score type.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Score DRL is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.
The time gradient implementation of simulated annealing.
Represents 1 benchmark for 1 Solver configuration for 1 problem instance (data set).
Currently only supported for chained variables and list variables, which guarantee that no 2 entities use the same planningValue.
Clones a PlanningSolution during planning.
Reads or writes a PlanningSolution from or to a File.
Splits one solution into multiple partitions.
A Solver solves a planning problem and returns the best solution found.
Represents 1 Solver configuration benchmarked on multiple problem instances (data sets).
Internal API.
Creates Solver instances.
Represents a problem that has been submitted to solve on the SolverManager.
An adapter for SolverLifecycleListener.
A SolverManager solves multiple planning problems of the same domain, asynchronously without blocking the calling thread.
Defines an interface for classes that will be used to rank solver benchmarks in order of their respective performance.
The status of problem submitted to the SolverManager.
Used to externalize data for a Supply from the domain model itself.
A SolverStatistic that has no state or event listener
Implementations must be immutable.
Determines what increment the counter of Step Counting Hill Climbing.
Strategic oscillation, works well with Tabu search.
A subList out of a single chain.
This Move is not cacheable.
This Move is not cacheable.
Defines subList properties implemented by various subList move selector configs.
Represents 1 benchmark run for 1 Single Benchmark configuration for 1 Solver configuration for 1 problem instance (data set).
1 statistic of SubSingleBenchmarkResult.
Supplies something for 1 or multiple subsystems.
Provides a Supply for subsystems that submit a Demand.
Also known as a 2-opt move.
Also known as a 2-opt move selector.
Also known as a 2-opt move selector config.
A Termination determines when a Solver or a Phase should stop.
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces an int-valued result.
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces an int-valued result.
Represents a function that accepts four arguments and produces a long-valued result.
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a long-valued result.
This ranking Comparator orders a SolverBenchmarkResult by its total Score.
Used to build a Constraint out of a TriConstraintStream, applying optional configuration.
Usually created with ConstraintCollectors.
A ConstraintStream that matches three facts.
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and returns no result.
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
Created with Joiners.
An immutable tuple of three values.
Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) of three arguments.
Only selects values from the child value selector that are unassigned.
Used to build a Constraint out of a UniConstraintStream, applying optional configuration.
Usually created with ConstraintCollectors.
A ConstraintStream that matches one fact.
A CompositeMoveSelector that unions 2 or more MoveSelectors.
IMPORTANT: The constructor of any subclass of this abstract class, should never call any of its child Selector's Iterator.hasNext() or methods, because that can cause descendant Selectors to be selected too early (which breaks MimicReplayingEntitySelector).
A ValueRange is a set of a values for a PlanningVariable.
Factory for ValueRange.
Provides the planning values that can be used for a PlanningVariable.
Selects values from the ValueRangeProvider for a PlanningVariable annotated property.
The manner of sorting a values for a PlanningVariable.
A listener sourced on a basic PlanningVariable.
This class is not thread-safe.
Holds a variable listener and all its source variable descriptors.
Sorts a selection List based on a SelectionSorterWeightFactory.
This ranking Comparator orders a SolverBenchmarkResult by its worst Score.
This class merges solver.xsd and benchmark.xsd into a single XML Schema file that contains both Solver and Benchmark XML types under a single namespace of the benchmark.xsd.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Prefer JAXB for serialization into XML.